Chapter 12

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Liam's POV-

I walked out of the room and shut the door, haha {turn the light off}. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch with the boys, it seems like I haven't talked to them all together in a while. Too busy being in love with Heather, I smiled at the thought of her. I hopped on the couch, everyone seemed back to normal, even Harry which I was suprised about. "So what's up boys?" I asked them, Niall was still playing his guitar. "Trying to write some new chords." He said jotting down a few notes, Louis and Zayn were watching a football match. Harry was writing in a notepad, "Writing new lyrics?" I asked him me nodded, "It's a personal song... For Heather, she means a lot to me and I just want to give back to her." I smiled at him, "Let me hear it." I encouraged him. He slowly nodded and began singing.

He slowly tapped his foot, and looked at his notes. "We've been together since the day you were born. I'm sorry that I left you for my dream, I know you were a bit torn... But now that you're here with me, I'm as happy as can be. You always know how to make me laugh, with that cheeky little smile you have. You're my little sister, my baby little sister and I... Love you. You always keep your head up, no matter what the situation. Do you remeber when we were little and always cause complications? And everytime I see you cry, it just makes me die inside. Cause I know something's going on, but I have to stay strong... Because you are my little sister with that cheeky little smile you have. You always know how to make me laugh, I that is why I love you with all my heart, cause you're my little sister. The best I could ever have.."

He finihed singing, I was blown away. It didn't seem like Harry at all, which made it even better. He smiled at the notepad, "Wow, Harry that's an amazing song... How did you come up with it?" He shrugged, "It just came from my heart, I guess." I smiled at him, and then an idea popped into my head. "You have to sing it when we go on tour, everyone needs to hear this. We will sing backup and Niall plays his guitar." I encouraged him, he shrugged. "How about you sing it, you have the voice for it." He smiled, I patted his back. "I would love too, but i would mean more to Heather if it was from you. I mean you wrote it." He nodded, "I guess I can..." I smiled, "I'm going to check on Heather."

Heather's POV-

I was still asleep, but it seemed like what was happening while I was asleep was seeping into my dreams. Not like I was in a coma, but as if I was a ghost. Liam slowly walked into the room, he sat on the bed next to me. His eyes were as beautiful as ever, I just can't believe he was all mine. He held my hand, and he acted as if I was awake and started talking to me. "Heather, I love you so much... I can't imagine being with anyone else. I want to spend the rest of my life with you starting today..." He pulled out a little box, was he practicing for something? He opened the box and revealed a beautiful diamond ring. "Heather, will you marry me?" And he closed the box, Liam was actually going to propose to me. I felt my heartbeat grow faster by the minute, I can't believe he was actually going to propose. The last thing I remember was Liam looking at me, with his beautiful brown eyes. And him saying, "I love you.."

Liam's POV-

I put the ring back in my pocket, and shook Heather softly, wow she must be a heavy sleeper. "Heather, come on baby it's time to wake up.." I shook her again, "Heather, seriously wake up... Wake up.." Is she dead? A tear rolled down my face, "Heather?!" She wouldn't wake up, "Please love, wake up!" Tears streamed down my face, "Wake up!" The boys came into the room, they looked at me and then at Heather. "Please... Just wake up." I cried, the boys pulled me away from her. "Why won't she wake up?!" I asked them, they all shrugged. I looked at Harry, who was in tears too. "We need to take her to the hostpital now." He said sternly, picking up her lifeless body, I felt like he knew what was happening to her. I slumped against the wall, "Why is this happening?!" "She doesn't deserve to go..." I cried into my arms, I heard the ambulance pull up to the house. I walked next to the gurney she was placed in, I held her cold hand. "It's going to be okay... I love you. I'll see you soon." I knew I wouldn't get a response. I watched as they put her into the ambulance and drove away with the love of my life.

Harry's POV-

I didn't think this would ever happen again, I thought she was over this. I just didn't think if it would happen while she was here. I walked and sat on the frass next to Liam, the other boys were inside, probably singing some songs. I could hear Niall's guitar being played throughout the house, that boy had a talent. "What happened?" Liam asked me, tears were slowly falling from his cheeks, I felt so bad. "She fell into a coma, we never knew how it happened... It just happens. It always happened when she was little, we got use to it after a while." I sighed remembering the awful times, "When she turned 14 they finally stopped, but we knew it could happen still. The time beofre today was when I made my audition was X-Factor, it happened right backstage. She collapsed to the floor, my mom knew it was normal, but the audience was in shock." Liam just stared at the ground he was taking it all in, "Do you think it's because she gets excited?" He asked me, I nodded. "It seems like it.." He sighed and searched through his pocket, he pulled out a little box. "I think she heard me practicing my proposal to her..." He opened the box, my mouth dropped.

"You're really going to ask her to marry you?" I asked smiling, he smiled and nodded. "I think it's my fault that she's in the hostpital.." I playfully punched his shoulder, "Only because you're going to make her the happiest woman alive!" I nearly shouted, he laughed at me. "Are you cool woth this?" He asked me, I smiled. "Totally, I just love seeing my sister happy." He smiled, "Thanks mate."

Liam's POV-

We stood up, "Let's go to the hostpital." I said standing up, "You just want to see your soon to be fiance." Harry smirked, I nodded admitting it. "Well then let's go!" He yelled running into the house. Maybe I should ask her at the hostpital, hopefully she wakes up soon. I couldn't bare to be away from her much longer.

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