Chapter 32

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Liam's POV-

I can't believe we're having twins, this is the happiest day of my life. I walked out of the exam room and sat down on the floor, I was just too in shock. I went on twitter and read Harry's tweet, "It's a boy! Xx" Niall's, "It's a girl! Xx" A lot of the fans were confused, I smiled and clicked on 'New Tweet' "We're having twins! I'm so excited, I just can't believe it... TWINNSSS! Say hello to Dylan and Lila Payne." I added the picture I took in the exam room, I walked back in. Heather was all cleaned up and dressed, I smiled at her. "The fans are up to date.. And really excited." She smiled, the doctor handed me the sonograms. "Here you go Mr.Payne, these are the new pictures of your children." I smiled at them, "Thank you."

I put one copy in my wallet, Heather looked at it. "Beautiful." She smiled, I wrapped my arm around her. This is my life now, being apart of the biggest band in the world, marrying and having my first children with the love of my life. I kissed her head, "Ready to go home?" She nodded her head, we walked out of the room and to the parking lot. Niall and Heather got into the car, I turned towards Harry. "I think me and Heather should get our own place, with two kids on the way that would be too many people in one house." He shook his head, "You can stay with us Liam, it's not a problem at all. And we have plenty of room." "I just don't want to feel like a bother to you and the other boys, especially with kids." I said, he nodded. "Do what you want to do."

"But it's not a bother to me, and especially not the boys." I nodded, "And maybe after the babies have come we could add an addition to the house, maybe add a baby room." He suggested, I smiled at him. "Wow, thanks Harry.. But if you change your mind... We could always move into my old flat." Harry shook his head, "You gour are staying with us whether you like it hot." He said getting into the car, I sighed and got in as well. We drove back home and the boys were already home, we walked in and Zayn and Louis were on the couch. "Hey guys." I said walking into the living room, "Hello." They both said, "Why arr you back already?" Niall asked them, "Perrie is leaving for tour tomorrow, but they ended up leaving a bit early for a charity event." I nodded, "At least it's for a great cause." Harry said, Heather sat down next to me.

"What about you Louis?" Heather asked, "Eleanor had a family thing.." We all nodded, "But enough about us, how did the doctor's go?" Heather smiled, "Great, we're having twins." Louis and Zayn smiled, "What are their names?" "Dylan and Lila." I answered proudly, they smiled. "Are they okay, everything is good?" Zayn asked, we nodded. "The doctor said they are perfectly fine." They smiled, "only five more months." Louis said, "Oh my god.. I'm going to be an uncle in five months." Niall said, we laughed. "Me and Harry are going to go out for a bit, we'll be back soon." I said kissing Heather quickly.

Harry looked at me confused, I nodded my head signaling him to go outside. He nodded, "Yeah we'll be back in about... Later." He smiled and walked out with me, "Where are we going?" He asked me, "I was thinking we could get a few things for the babies.." He smiled and nodded, we walked to my car and drove to thr nearest baby shop. We got out of the car and walked towards the shops, fans were screaming and taking pictures. We waved and kept walking, "So what are we getting first?" Harry asked getting a cart, "We should get a crib." Harry looked at me weirdly, "Just one? For two?" I chuckled and nodded, "Twins tend to like it when they're near eachother all the time." Harry nodded and walked to the cribs, We looked around until we found the perfect one, white with yellow blankets and accesories.

We got the box, "We're going to have to assemble this tonight, aren't we?" Harry asked, I nodded. "Okay so what next?" I looked at the list, "We need... Diapers, bottles, and bibs.." I said looking over the list, he nodded and we walked over to baby needs. Harry picked out bibs, blue and pink. Then I picked out bottles, again blue and pink. After that we got a couple packs of diapers, "Do you even know how to change a diaper?" Harry asked putting in another pack, I shrugged. "I'm not really sure, I'm going to have to learn soon." He smiled, "Alright what else?" He asked, "We need, I guess some clothes. Something they can come home in... And then a couple of stuffed animals." Harry nodded we went to the clothes part, "Okay, I'll do you a favor. You go get the stuffed animals, and I'll pick out the clothes."

I smiled, "You're saying I can't pick out clothes for my own children?" He smiled and shook his head, "Of course not, just let me do this." I agreed and walked to the toys, I got Dylan some animals, and Lila fairies, and sea animals. I brought them back and put them in the cart, Harry had a couple of outfits already and was getting more. I picked one out, it was for Dylan, it was jeans and a plaid shirt. And for Lila he had some cute dresses, with some flower headbands. I smiled and set them down, I walked over to Harry who was debating on an outfit for Dylan. "Okay opinions, I need opinions." He held up a grey dress shirt, with a black vest, and then a white shirt with a red cardigan.

Wow, these kids are going to be spoiled, by me, Heather and all of their uncles. I smiled, "Harry we have enough money, just get them both, and how many fo you have for Lila?" He thought for a moment, "Well this would make 10 for Dylan... And then there's those dresses, skirts with shirts, and those special occassion outfits.... About 11 for Lila." I laughed, "Maybe even more, I mean I don't even know if this is ten for Dylan." I smiled at him, "Alright I think we're done here, let's go get this stuff home." He nodded and we headed out to check-out, we paid for all of the items. We actually had to have an employee help us carry our stuff to the car, I didn't realise we got a lot until now. We piled everything into the car, this whole baby shopping trip just made it twenty-times more exciting for me to become a father.


Okay since I've been writing I haven't asked anything from you guys. So from now on and until the fanfic is over I will ask for a specific amount of reads, alright so for next chapter I need 900 reads, thanks guys!

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