Chapter 37

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Heather's POV-

It's been three weeks since giving birth to Dylan and Lila, I've worked out and lost a few pounds. Me and Liam were in bed, I was reading a book, Liam was staring at me. (A/N Sorry, but just imagine that! God the feels!) I smiled at him, "What?" i asked putting my book down, he shrugged. "You're just so beautiful." He said kissing me softly, I pulled away and smiled. Liam leaned in again, but stopped when he heard a baby crying. We both got up, "I'll get Lila." He said, "And I'll get Dylan." We walked into their room, but Zayn and Niall beat us to them. I smiled and crossed my arms over my chest, "You know we can take care of our own children." I said taking Dylan in my arms, they shrugged. "Just want to be the great uncles we are." Niall said playing with Lila's hand."

I smiled and looked at Dylan, "Hi Dylan... How was your nap?" He wrapped his funger around him, I kissed his finger. "You're so precious." I whispered, Liam took his from me. "You know what's not fair? I that they both look like you." I said sitting inthe rocker, Liam smiled. "It's not my fault I'm good looking." He joked, I smiled at him. "Can I have Lila Zayn?" I asked him, he nodded and handed me her. She went back to sleep, her soft little breaths couldn't be heard. I heard soft singing and looked at Liam, He was singing 'Little Things' I smiled and looked at Lila, she must've woken up for a second because my finger was in her mouth."My little girl.." I said resting her in the crib, I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight little angel.." Liam put down Dylan, "Night my little monster." He kissed both of their foreheads. We walked out of their room and closed the door.

Liam's POV-

"When are you going to get your dress?" I asked Heather walking back into our room, she shrugged. "I might tomorrow with Perrie." I nodded and jumped on the bed, she only laughed at me. "What?" I asked putting my arms behind my head, she smiled and laid on top of me. "You're so cute." She said kissing my nose, "And you're so beautiful.." I said kissing her lips, she smiled and rested her head on my chest. I ran my hands through her hair, her phone went off. She grabbed it off the charger and looked at it for a moment, "Oh my god.." A tear fell off my cheek, "What happened?" I asked wiping away her tear, "My cousin, Kimberly. Her cancer has gotten worse, they're going to have to put her through Kimo (A/N When the cancer gets bad they have to cut off their hair for operation, especially eith brain cancer. And this is a real girl that use to go to my school, she is currently losing her memory slowly. Pray for her please )':)

I sat up and hugged her tightly, "When ?" I asked, stroking her hair. "Tomorrow.." She cried, I kissed her head. "Ate they going to operate tomorrow?" She nodded, "Most likely.." I frowned, "Would we be able to go?" She shook her head, "She's all the way in the states..." "Aw... Baby." I kissed her forehead, she wiped her face with her shirt. "I want to shave my head..." She said faintly, I looked at her. "You're an amazing person." I smiled, "She's a directioner..." She told me, I smiled. "Maybe we can send her a care package, me and the voys can sign a few things." Heather smiled, "She would love that! I don't think she knows I'm with you." I smiled, "Here let's get started." I said getting up, "We should take some pictures with the kids." She said, I nodded. We went downstairs.

We told the rest of the boys the plan, they smiled and agreed. We autographed some new pictures that haven't been out yet, and the boys took pictures of me and Heather with Dylan and Lila. We uploaded them to our Mac, and printed them out into a mini book. Heather wrote a sweet letter to Kimberly, I read it over. 'Dear Kimberly, I miss you so much. I hope the awful cancer goes away, no one deserves it. Especially you, I love you so much, ao much that tomorrow I'm shaving of my hair. I can't wait to see you at the wedding, you probably don't know but I'm marrying Liam, from One Direction. We just had twins! Dylan and Lila, they look exactly like him :/ Haha, here's a pic of the whole family. Love, Heather <3.' At the bottom we taped a picture of all of us, me and the boys signed it at the bottom. We sealed it into an envelope and put it into the huge box, "Thank you so much boys." Heather hugged us all, they smiled. "She deserves this, especially with the terrible thing she's been going through." Niall said taping up the box.

We put it next to the mailbox, and hopefully she'll get it by this weekend. Heather came and sat on my lap, "The kids are upstairs taking a nap." She said, I nodded. "I'm really sorry about your cousin.." I said, she smiled. "Thank you." She hugged my waist, I wrapped my arms around her. "Anything for you princess..." I kissed her head, "Anything for you..."


Ugh, writer's block!! Aha, anyway thanks for 1,350 reads!!! Ahh! For next chapter 1, 400 reads, because you guys are jut that awesome! Follow my instagram @verifieddirectioneroffic_

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