Chapter 21

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Liam's POV-

I woke up with my beautiful girl wrapped in my arms, I kissed her head. I never want to have a fight with her ever again, I canit risk losing her again. I moved my hands to her stomach, if I lose Heather... Then I lose the baby too. I moved my hands in circles, rubbing her stomach. Why can't the baby already be here, I just want to become a dad. "Morning Liam.." Her voice was hoarse, probably from all that crying. I sat up and moved her on me, "How do you feel?" I stroked her hair, she smiled. "Fine, now that I'm with you..." I smiled and kissed her softly, "For real, how do you feel?" She held her throat, "My throat is really sore." I frowned, "How about we go get some breakfast before leaving, I think you need a hot cup of tea." She smiled and got up, we were about to go when Heather stopped me. "What?" I asked, "You're not wearing a shirt." She smiled, I smirked. "Fine give me a second." I went into the bedroom and pulled on a shirt. "Better?" She kissed me, "Better,"

We walked into the breakfast room, where the boys were already there. They all smiled and waved, except Harry. I sighed, he's probably really mad at me for something I didn't even do. We sat down, Heather next to Harry. He kept sending me dirty looks, I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Do you guys want tea?" I asked everyone, they all nodded. "Harry you want to help me?" I looked at him, he nodded and walked with me to the tea maker. "Why did you do that to Heather, she fucking loves you." He said to me, "I didn't. Anna kissed me, I would mever hurt Heather in anyway... I love her too much to do that to her."He shook his head, "So Anna kissed you right when Heather walked in?" I nodded, "That's exactly what happened."

He smiled at me, "I knew you would never do anything like that." I sighed of relief, "Heather was heartbroken last night, I don't think she's ever loved a guy like you before." I smiled, "Thanks Harry, I mever felt this way about a girl before either... She's just different." Harry smiled, and picked up three cups of tea, I took the other three. I placed a cup infront of Heather, Niall, and one for myself. Heather took a sip of her tea, "Ouch." She said, grabbing he throat. "What's wrong babe?" She shrugged, "It's probably nothing, don't worry." She reassured me with a smile, I nodded.

Heather's POV-

My throat hurt like crazy, this has never happened before. Liam read his phone, "Paul just texted me, the bus is outside. We have five minutes." We all nodded, "I'll be right back, I'm going to get our bags." Liam told me, I smiled, he kissed my cheek before heading upstairs. I turned to the boys, Harry was looking at me with concern. "Are you sure you're okay?" He touched my throat, I winced at his touch. "Heather... I'm sorry, but there has to be something wrong. You don't wince when someone touches your throat." I pulled his hand away, "I'm fine, perfectly fine." I said with confidence, which killed my throat even more. Liam came back shortly, I smiled at him. "Paul grabbed our bags, so are you guys ready to head to the bus?" The boys jumped up and ran outside, Liam waited for me. He took my hand in his, and kissed my forehead.

"We're going to have a great time..." He smiled, I kissed him softly. "Not with me being pregnant..." I groaned walking away, Liam grabbed my wrist and twirled me around. "We will have the greatest time, just wait and see." He smiled, and we started walking outside to the bus. I got on and was suprised, the bus was huge onthe inside. It had a little living room with a game station, two bathrooms, a bedroom, and then a room with four bunks. Liam came in behind me, "We get the main room." He smiled and lead the way to the bedroom, I smiled a I walked in. He had a blue comforter, and a flat screen. And was also connected to the second bathroom. I laid my bag on the bed and walked into the closet, it was small, but a good size for two people.

Liam wrapped his arms around my stomach, "I'm so glad you were able to come with me. I don't know what I would do without you that long." I smiled as he kissed my temple, I had the sweetest finace in the world. I stared at my rings, that I almost gave up yesterday. I would be the craziest person in the world to leave Liam, he treats me right and he is also crazy about me. I looked around the room and my eyes laid on a wall with empty picture frames. "What are those for?" I asked him pointing to the wall, he smiled. "Remember when I asked you about taking pictures together on our day off?" I nodded, "Well I want to use those pictures to decorate our room, and maybe when we get a house of our own... We can fill it up with them." I smiled, "That sounds perfect..."


Sorry writer's block, please keep reading!!! Love ya guys and thank you so much for over 300 reads, that's just mind-blowing!

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