Chapter 22

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Heather's POV-

I woke up in the middle of the night, my throat felt like someone stepped on it. I got up, not waking Liam, and went into the bathroom. I got a tylenol and a glass of water, I quickly swallowed, which it made my throat feel like fire. "Baby.." Liam came in the doorway, I nodded. "Perfectly fine." I wanted to say, but only ended up say, "P--ty f---." I grabbed my throat, Liam frowned at me. He pulled me in a tight hug, "We'll meet up with a doctor in the morning... For now let's try to get some rest." I nodded, he pucked me up and carried me to the bed. He put the duvet over me, "I'm here, don't need to worry." He kissed my head and laid down, facing me. I closed my eyes as his hand found mine, "Goodnight Heather..." That made me want to cry, because I wasn't able to say it back.

It was 7:00 am when me and Liam woke up, I stretched and looked at Liam. He smiled and kissed me, "How does your throat feel?" I held a thumbs-down in the air, I could barely even talk. He frowned, and kissed me once more. "It'll get better, I texted Paul earlier this morning. A doctor should be... Actually on the bus now." He said getting up, I nodded and got up with him. We walked out into the living room, where there actually was a doctor, or nurse. I smiled and waved, "Hello darling, you must be Heather!" He shook my hand, "I'm Dr.Monroe." I smiled and nodded, she had me sit down as she pulled up a chair for herself. "Open wide." She smiled, I did and she shined a flashlight down my throat.

The boys crowded around around behind her, she cleared her throat. Hinting for the boys to move back, the boys backed away and sat on the couches. She did a couple of more little tests, and then she wrote stuff down on her board. She turned her chair towards me, "Okay, so I have the results..." She took a deep breath, Liam came and sat next to me, planting a sweet kiss on my cheek. The boys just snickered, he didn't care, that's an other thing I loved about Liam. He held onto my hand, "Okay, well according to the results Miss.Styles..." "Payne." Liam innterrupted, she smiled. "Mrs.Payne, your tounsils have swollen... But if you do the treatments correctly, they won't be any need to have surgery." I nodded, Liam spoke up.

"What are the treatments?" She smiled, "Well first no talking for at least a week, you need to eat soft foods, or soup. Um, no alochol... And you need to take these once a day." She handed me a pill bottle, "And this is only for a week?" Liam asked, she nodded. "If you listen and follow these rules you should be back to normal." She smiled, that made me smile. Just one week without drinking, that's not a problem. Soft foods, or soup, I can do that. But the part that is going to be the hardest is not talking for a whole week, not to the boys, the fans possibly. The worst person to not talk to... Is Liam. It made sound so easy to you, but not being able to tell the love of your life 'I love you', the father of your child 'Good morning' or 'Good night.' You try it an tell me how it turns out, because this won't be easy.

Liam's POV-

I looked at the bottle of pills, I felt so bad for Heather. The doctor packed up her things and was about to leave, "Wait, will these pills have any effect on the baby?" I asked worriedly, looking at Heather, then the doctor. She shook her head, "No, I know about you two. I wouldn't give it to her if it could hurt her in anyway." She waved and walked off the bus, we happened to be near a McDonald's. "How about we get breakfast?" Niall asked, of course. "Alright what do you guys want?" Paul came in with a notepad and pen, knowing Niall would make the list longer. We all said what we wanted, except for Heather, I frowned at her. I sat next to her, "Well.. You need soft food, how about oatmeal?" I asked smiling at her, she smiled and nodded. I kissed her softly, "Mind if I go with Paul?" She shook her head, I couldn't even imagine not being able to talk to anyone for a whole week, especially Heather. "Alright I'll be back." I said to everyone before exiting the bus.

Heather's POV-

Liam left so it was just me and the four other boys sitting on the couches, we just switched glances at times, and sometimes Niall would fart, making the boys laugh, as I smiled widely. It actually sort of hurt not laughing, it took very muscle in my body to hold it in. The boys started whispering to eachother, I rolled my eyes and had to throw a book at Harry to get his attention. "What?" He asked, I pointed to all of them. "Oh, we're thinking of ways for you to talk to us, without actually talking." I smiled and nodded quickly, I really liked this idea. After ten kinutes of the boys talking they finally came up with an idea, Harry got my phone and showed me an app on the app store. "It's called Italk, we can get a headpiece and put it on your head. And connect it to your phone, when you type in something, it says it aloud from the headpiece." He told me, I clapped, klsaying that I liked tht idea. They all smiled, "I guess we found a plan for Heather to talk."

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