2. New Remedies

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**Character are not mine. They belong to J.K. Rowling. I am simply borrowing them but the ideas are purely mine.**

2. New Remedies

The following morning found Ginny lying face down in her nice, comfy bed. It would seem that even muggle alcohol wasn’t exactly the right remedy to help forget her memories, she thought as she tried to lift herself up. Her head felt as if a herd of hippogriffs had stampeded over it. She groaned as she realized that she had the nasty after-effect of said remedy: an honest to Merlin bloody hangover.

“Bollocks, I hate my life.” Ginny complained to Artemis, her gray kneazle. Unfortunately, Arnold, her pygmy puff had died days after everything happened with Harry; a devastating hit to after what had happened.

Artemis was lying on the bed beside her; she meowed in agreement to Ginny’s words. She groaned again as she rolled over and stuffed the pillow over her head, “I need to find a new and easier-on-the-head-the -next-morning way to erase these stupid memories even for a night. Any ideas, love?” All she got in return was a sad meow. “Ah, I didn’t think you would.”

In the other end of her apartment she could hear her phone go straight to voicemail, a muggle contraption that helped keep her mother away, momentarily of course, and the person on the other end was said mother. “Ginevra Molly Weasley! Answer the phone! Where are you? Merlin, I hate this muggle thing! You block your fireplace from me one more time young lady and I promise you there will be consequences! Anyway, you were supposed to have breakfast over here at home. Where were you? I heard last night that you went to another pub? Don’t tell me you were on another one of you benders. You can’t hide away and go to pubs every time things go-” and the answering machine cut her off.  

Ginny signed happily at the beautiful silence until her phone rang again and the lecture continued, “Stupid contraption. Okay, where was I? Oh right, you can’t hide when things get rough. Face it; you were the one who broke up with Harry anyway. We didn’t know things were so bad until you broke up. Dear, maybe you should go see him.”

“I will definitely not go see that good for nothing, lying, cheating wanker!” Ginny growled at her answering machine but her mother still continued.

“Well anyway, now is not the time for that. Come over so I can feed you. Love you and see you soon.” And the line went dead again.

Ginny hissed every curse word known to mankind at the woman and decided to shower. She stopped as she stood and she automatically swayed.

“Bloody hell, the liquor is not completely out of my system.” Then she stopped and thought out loud, “How did I get home?” She looked around as she tried to think back but came up with black dots in the process. She shrugged and dragged herself into the shower. She’d remember sooner or later.

After Ginny finished her shower she decided to make herself breakfast until she saw the time.

“Merlin’s Beard, mum’s going to flip. It’s 3:35 already!” She cried and looked at Artemis as she ran into the kitchen, “You, cat! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” Artemis growled at her. “I’m just kidding. Relax right there, tiger.” Ginny said as she picked up her phone and dialed her mother.

She had blocked her fireplace from everyone. She didn’t want any unexpected calls from there. If anyone wanted to get in touch with her, they’d have to use the phone. Muggles sure knew what they were doing when they invented those.

“Hey mum, I’m coming. Let me just grab my things and I’ll apparate right over.”

“Perfect sweetie, Ron just got here. Hurry up or your food will get cold.” Her mother said and hung up.

Ginny just looked at her phone. Geez, doesn’t the woman know how to say goodbye? She thought. Then she realized what her mother had said.

Ron was there.

She hadn’t really seen nor spoken to Ron since she broke up with Harry. Harry, her late-cheating-ass-boyfriend-who-called-himself-a-man, was and still is Ron’s best friend; which goes to show that Ginny hadn’t told them why she had broken up with Harry. She just felt that it wasn’t their business.

“Which it isn’t,” she muttered to herself as she grabbed her cloak and walked to the door of her apartment that was right above Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, the joke store her twin older brothers Fred and George had started before Fred had died a little over a year ago.

When Ginny had found out that it was Hermione, Ron’s girlfriend and her best friend that Harry was secretly cheating on her with, she was more than heartbroken, she was positively devastated.

All she could think about was how could they do that to her? Not to mention Ron too! Her family still tried to get her to tell them the truth behind their breakup but she had only told them that it wasn’t meant to be. Her family absolutely adored Harry and even though they weren’t married, the Weasleys had already felt like Harry was part of the family ever since Ron had introduced him to the family when they were eleven years old.

It just didn’t seem right that he would cheat on her with his best friend’s girlfriend.

It only goes to show how naïve and stupid she was, Ginny thought sadly, to go through all the lies without even suspecting a thing. Merlin, she was such a bloody idiot.

Ginny sighed, closing her eyes as she opened the door to her apartment and stepping outside into the cool, mid-August air; her birthday a week before. She waved her wand, enabling all of the protection wards on the apartment.

It had been only a month and a half since she discovered Harry’s unfaithfulness and lies and she still felt like it was just yesterday that she had walked into his room and seen that bloody love letter. It broke her heart to remember but she just couldn’t get over it and she probably would never either. Never get over it? But that couldn’t be possible, could it? Was there no way she would ever get over Harry and his treacherous lies? Ginny wondered sadly as she apparated to The Burrow.

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