12. Live Life to the Fullest

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^ because she's been feeling down and she needs to know that she's flipping awesome and needs to live life to the fullest. And people are jerks :p <3

** I don't own the Harry Potter world, the characters or the places. They belong to J.K. Rowling. I am simply borrowing them because they are awesome. The ideas though as simply mine. Read, Comment, VOTE and fan if you haven't already. Now, enjoy. ES <3 **

12. Live Life to the Fullest

“What happens if I use a Fever Fudge and Fainting Fancy at the same time?” A teenage boy asked Ginny as she stood behind the cash register at WWW. She looked up, rubbed her right eye and sighed.

“You’ll faint and have a fever,” she responded.

“Brilliant!” he exclaimed, grabbing a dozen of each, and dumping them on the counter.

The end of August was drawing near which meant another year at Hogwarts was about to begin. The shop had been full of kids all day buying all they could for the upcoming year. Filch was going to have his hands full this year. She grinned as the boy took his change and left the store with two bags full of items.

Ginny yawned, remembering the night before. She laughed at the memories then groaned at the amount of shots they had taken: twenty-one.

“Blimey, no wonder I have such a nasty hangover,” she mumbled.

“Why did you drink so much if you knew you had to work?” George asked, walking into the shop from the back.

“I had a rotten day,” she shrugged.

Really, rotten was an understatement.

“Ginny, Ginny, Ginny,” he shook his head with a sad smile.

“Whaaaaaat?” she frowned. She didn’t like the way he was looking at her.

“What happened with Harry?” he asked.

The air around them thickened with tension. Why did everyone want to know? Why couldn’t they just let it go?

“Harry and I – we just –” she sighed.

“Give me the real story. Not the one you tell mum and the rest of the world,” he said as he grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “What happened?”

“Harry cheated on me,” she whispered.

“He did what?” A voice screeched from the door.

Ginny and George looked over to see a very angry Molly Weasley.

“Mum! What are you doing here?” Ginny asked, praying her mother hadn’t actually heard her.

“Harry cheated on you?” Molly asked.

“Ha, ha, ha just kidding!” she said, trying to play it off but it didn’t look like either of them were going to fall for it.

“Ginevra Molly Weasley, you tell me the truth right now!” Molly said.

Ginny cringed, “Yes, Harry cheated on me.”

“Maybe it’s all a misunderstanding, dear. Maybe it wasn’t really him,” Molly said.

Ginny’s temper rose. “Mum, it was definitely him touching a woman who wasn’t me. I saw them with my own eyes,” she said darkly.

“Ginny, maybe there’s a reason why. Did you ask him?”

“Ask him? The only words I'll be saying to Harry Potter will be Cruci-‘” she said, slamming her fist against the counter.

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