4. Draco Bloody Malfoy

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4. Draco Bloody Malfoy

“Some things just never change, honestly,” Ginny growled as she thought over what had happened at the Burrow. Her mum just didn’t understand. The truth was that she never would because she’d never just let it go. Ginny inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she massaged her temples, fighting off a blinding headache before it began as she made her way up the stairs outside of WWW that led up to her flat; her beautifully secluded flat, she thought blissfully.

As she took step after step, she muttered the incantations to the protective wards and tapped her wand against the lock with a simple “Alohomora,” that would only unlock it if the protective wards have been dismantled. As she pushed open the door, she kicked something. She looked down to see her muggle portable CD player. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember why it was out here and not in her flat where she believed she had left it. Suddenly, a note appeared on top of it. It was a small piece of parchment.

Curious, she picked it up and opened it. It simply read:

You left this last night ~ D.

Ginny grinned at that. Now, she knew how she had gotten home last night. As soon as she closed it, it burst into flames and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Always with the damn theatrics, she shook her head; he’d almost singed her hand, that git.

With that, she picked up the CD player, she pushed open her door completely and walked into her flat, slamming the door behind her. She slipped her wand into her messy ponytail and threw her cloak on the sofa.

The flat was the perfect size for one young witch and she loved it exactly the way it was. The living room was off to the left side of the entrance, decorated with mismatched furniture. The dining room was attached with a small rounded table with four chairs. Opposite the dining room was a long but thin kitchen. It had all the muggle appliances which she occasionally used; they came in handy when you couldn’t cook. A microwave, another muggle appliance, was definitely a miracle. She didn’t know how it exactly worked without magic bit did and it was bloody brilliant.

There was only one bedroom with a master bathroom. Her room was fairly large, with a walk-in closet that contained her trunk from Hogwarts and all her clothes. Her queen-size bed was her favorite thing about her entire flat. It was ridiculously fluffy with red linen sheets. She loved it and she was totally thinking about burying herself deep into that comfortableness right this very second until she heard a rather loud, unwelcome pop and spin angrily at the rude and annoying wizard who just apparated right into her flat!

“Ginevra Weasley, are you bloody kidding me? You didn’t even put back up your protection wards! Shame on you, shame, shame, shame on you,” the husky male voice teased.

Ginny’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “What the hell do you think you are doing apparating right into my flat? How dare you!” She spat angrily. “You’re lucky I didn’t hex the living crap out of you for doing something so horrible!” She hissed.

“What’s got your knickers in a twist?” Draco Malfoy asked as he brushed back his silky smooth pale blond hair. He had stopped using that terrible gel once he got out of Hogwarts and now it looked natural, smooth and just soft enough to touch; it begged a witch to run her fingers through the strands.

Draco was still regal, perfect, more like royalty. He held himself with the air of superiority and was still the old pompous git that he’d been during Hogwarts but he wasn’t evil. He was sarcastic and a huge goddamn tease but Ginny guessed that was what was so appealing about him; well, not to her, of course.

He had a strong, pointed face with fine bone structure. He was very good-looking and he knew it.

Ginny irritably looked him over in his usual ensemble, the onyx black dress shirt and black trousers; he was so prim, perfect, impeccable. She envied his perfection as she looked down at her worn, faded jeans and brown jumper her mum had made for her last Christmas. She bit her lip; him and his bloody flawlessness!

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