Killer Lies: Chapter Twenty - Nine ~ Bloody Hell

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** I don't own the Harry Potter world, characters or places. They belong to J.K. Rowling! Now, enjoy, ES <3**

Chapter Twenty – Nine ~ Bloody Hell

After a few days of constantly finding herself curled up against her toilet, Ginny decided that this was just too much. She needed to see a healer and fast. She was worried it was food poisoning or just any deadly poison that was taking its time to come to a full effect, which caused her to draw even more ridiculous conclusions; some along the lines of her body retching out all her innards for the world to see or her insides boiling and flowing out. But finally after having enough, she dressed and closed her eyes; blinking herself to the entrance of St. Mungos hospital for magical maladies and injuries. Brushing off invisible lent, she walked into the waiting room and spoke to the person at the desk. A few minutes later she was sitting in one of those uncomfortable chairs waiting for her name to be called. As she waited, her mind began to wonder…

Draco lying above her, his warm breath brushing against her cheek; he ran his hand through her hair, pulling her up towards him.

“Ginny,” he whispered before he kissed her deeply.

She moaned as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

“Hurry, Draco, I’m ready,” she whispered against his lips as he growled –

The memory vanished as she heard her name.

“Ginevra Weasley?” There was a pause. “Ginevra Weasley, are you here?”

She stood quickly and smiled at the nurse.

“Ginevra –” the woman said once more before she noticed me walking towards her.

“Oh hullo, that would be me. Sorry, just have a bit on my mind.” She spoke sweetly to the older lady.

The woman smiled back with forgiveness in her eyes, “Of course, dear. Please follow me.”

Ginny followed.

Ten minutes later, Ginny sat in a small little yellow patient’s room listening to the nurse, Mrs. Moore, relay her symptoms. After Mrs. Moore finished she looked at Ginny with happiness in her eyes.

For a moment, Ginny felt her stomach drop and her instincts kicked in. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like what she was about to hear. She had an idea but quickly pushed it away; there was no way, absolutely no way.

Yes there is, a voice in the back of her mind whispered but Ginny shut it up.

Mrs. Moore smiled sweetly and said, “You’re nauseous, emotional, moody, constantly hungry, occasionally fatigued… mhm, you’re pregnant, dear.” She explained.

“Come again?” Ginny asked as if she hadn’t just heard the nurse clearly.

“You’re pregnant; well I’m not too certain. I’ll send in the healer so he can confirm. Wow… a baby. I love babies. Congrat-” She was saying until she saw Ginny’s face.

“My dear, breathe. You need to breathe. You’re turning blue, darling.” The nurse tried to sooth her.

Ginny turned uncharacteristically pale, her body clamping up.

No, no, no! Her mind screamed but instead she whispered, “I’m… I-I’m pregnant?”


“Muggles…yeah, they had the idea right, after this I will use a magical way to confirm that Mrs. Moore is wrong!” Ginny told herself as she waited impatiently on the sink counter in her bathroom for the results from the muggle home pregnancy test.

“It can’t be true…” she whispered as she waited.

When the nurse had said those terrible, horrid, dreadful words, she had gone into shock.

Anyone would after hearing those specific words, Ginny told herself.

As soon as the nurse had left the room, she had all but ran out of the room and sprinted down the hall and out of St. Mungos. She just couldn’t sit in that room; that damn, bloody, blasted yellow, happy room!

She just couldn’t.

So, she’d gone straight to the first muggle store and picked up the first home pregnancy test she could find.

After paying, muggle money was so damn complicated, she ran to an alley and pictured herself at home, blinking herself there in less than a second.

Now she was sitting, waiting for the stupid results. She looked at her watch and realized it was time.

When she looked at the pregnancy test, she burst into tears.

Half an hour later, Ginny was still sitting on her sink counter in her bathroom when there was a soft knock on the door. She ignored it until she heard her door open then close.

“Ginny, are you here?” Luna’s voice carried through the apartment to her bathroom.

“Luna,” she cried.

“Ginny, what’s wrong? Where are you?” Luna asked.

“In here,” Ginny whispered even though she was positive that Luna could hear her.

“Where is here?” Her dreamy voice asked.

“I – I’m in the bathroom,” Ginny said and suddenly Luna was there.

“Ginny, oh my, what’s wrong?” Luna tried to soothe Ginny as new tears spilled down her cheeks.

“Oh Merlin, oh Merlin; no… no – no this can’t be happening!” Ginny hunched over, her face in her hands as she sobbed miserably. Luna wrapped her arms around the distressed redhead.

“What’s wrong, love? I’m confused.” Luna asked as she caressed Ginny’s hair.

“I – I slept with D – Draco,” she said without looking at Luna.

“And you’re this worked up because of that? I already knew you slept with him.” Luna told her,

Ginny’s head shot up, “how?”

“An Umgubular Slashkilter told me. Are you that upset about it? I thought you wanted to sleep with him, even if you never said it.” Luna said.

“I… I did but that – that’s not the problem.” Ginny muttered.

“Then what is?” Luna asked.

“I – I’m…” she bit her lip, “Luna, I’m pregnant.” She whispered.

“Womping willows, you’re what?” Luna whispered back.

“I’m pregnant,” Ginny whispered.

“Bloody hell,” Luna cursed.


Hello, readers/fans/friends!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry that it's so short. They next one won't be; it'll definitely be longer!

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Okay, bye now!

Peace & Love,

ES <3 

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