Killer Lies: Chapter Twenty - Three ((Preview))

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** Here is a preview of the next chapter since it's taken me a while to upload. So here you go. ES <3 **

Chapter Twenty - Three

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Ginny told Draco pathetically as she bit her lip.

Draco knew, he bloody knew and now she was in deep bloody trouble; Ginny thought to herself.

"A blinker, well, that sure does explain a lot, Red." He smirked, "and now, before you start to panic, I work with Kingsley as well. I'm part of the organizations, so don't fret over nothing. And, I'm not here to kill you." He added quickly where her eyes opened wide and a frightened expression crossed her face.

Oddly enough, after hearing Draco's words, she wasn't too worried even though she knew the consequences of another hit - witch or wizard finding out about their "colleagues". The thing was that she trusted Draco, trusted that he wouldn't go blabbing around the department about who she was and what she could do.

"So you're a hit - witch. Odd choice for a profession, don't you think?" Draco teased.

Ginny frowned as she brushed a lock of her hair out of her face. As she leaned forward placing her hands on the bed in between them, she began to contemplate what to do when he smiled, really smiled.

"There really isn't any reason to think so hard, Gin. I won't say a word. But since you showed me yours, I guess it's time I showed you mine," he grinned and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

She scowled. Leave it to Draco to make that sound ridiculously sexual; she thought as she rolled her eyes.

"You missed it," Draco's warm breath caressed her neck as she felt his body brush up against hers. She jumped in surprise, spinning around quickly to find him standing right there.

She looked back to where he had been mere seconds ago to where he was currently standing. Her eyes widened in shock as everything fell into place.

"You're really fast," she mumbled as she started to remember the times that small things like that had happened where she had wondered how he had appeared somewhere so quickly but had brushed it aside, putting it on stress or something else.

"Yeah, something like that." Draco agreed, smiling at her shocked expression.

Killer Lies [Harry Potter Fanfiction] (Killers: 1)Where stories live. Discover now