18: Missing Them Already

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It's been two hours since the boys left, and I feel so empty. The house is so silent and everything seemed so plain. I sighed.

"How am I going to last for a week?" I said aloud, although I knew that no one was there to listen to me. I trudged to my room and laid down on my bed. Then, the home phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID. Jungkook. I quickly answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked. Then, the other line erupted with words.

"Hello? Jagi? How are you? Are you at home? What have you been doing? Have you eaten? Are you okay?" Jungkook exploded with questions. I giggled.

"Calm down oppa, I'm okay." I said. I heard him let out a sigh of relief.

"Miss me that much already?" I joked.

"Ya, a lot." He said. I blushed.

"I miss you too pabo. When is your concert starting?" I asked.

"In about an hour. We just got to Japan." He explained.

"Oh. How are the rest of the pabos?" I asked.

"They're fine, but I'm not because your not here." He said. I smiled. He is so cheesy.

"Your too cute." I said and I heard him chuckle.

"Your cuter." He said. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Although all of a sudden, I heard noise in the background of the other line.

"Ew Jungkook! You guys are too lovey dovey!" Taehyung said and I laughed.

"Put me on speaker oppa?" I asked.

"Okay." He said. Then, he put me on speaker.

"Jungkookie! I miss you soooooooo much!" I yelled through the receiver. I wasn't there with them, but I could tell, Jungkook was smiling.

"I miss you too Katy! Sooooo much! And I love you!" Jungkook yelled back. I smiled.

"I love you too!" I yelled. With that, I heard running and yelling on the other line.

"Jagi, he covered his ears and ran out yelling, Lalalalalala." Jungkook said. I laughed.

"Good job oppa!" I said and he laughed too.

"That was funny. He probably won't listen to our conversation anymore." He said back and I chuckled. Then, through the receiver, I heard someone say,

"Jungkook, go to makeup!" Jungkook sighed.

"Jagi, I have to go." He said. My heart sank.

"Go get ready, it's okay! Goodluck on stage! I'll be watching you on tv okay?" I said, trying to sound excited.

"Ok Jagi, I'll talk to you later! I love you!" He said. My heart skipped a beat.

"I love you too!" I said. Then, the line went dead. I smiled and put down my phone. Then I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. I miss him.


After an hour, I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 10:00 am. It was time for them to perform. I quickly ran to the living room and turned on the tv. Once I did, I realized that I was right on time.

"And were live! Hello everyone! Welcome to Music Bank! We have some very talented performers here to dance and sing for you today! I hope you're excited! For now, I'm here with Bangtan Sonyeondan!" The interviewer said. The camera expanded, revealing the boys with smiling faces. I smiled along. Then, Namjoon grabbed the mic and said,

"2,3 Bang!"

"Tan! Anneyonghaseyo Bangtan Sonyeondan-imnida!" All of BTS said. I stared at them. Each and every one of them looked so handsome!

"Ah yes! How impressive! Anyway, shall we get the interview started?" The interviewer asked and they all smiled and nodded. "Okay! Question number one! So you guys are here to perform your new song, I Need U, and it is an incredible song, but do any of you guys have a special someone who you would like to dedicate this song to?" He asked. All of them shook their heads. I have to admit though, seeing Jungkook shake his head kind of stung me, but I knew that no one could know that we were dating. "We dedicate this song to every single ARMY member, because we need them all!" Jhope said. I giggled. How sweet.

"Wow! Well, it looks like BTS is really dedicated to their fans!" The interviewer said and they all nodded.

"Okay! Next question! Who do you think is most likely to get a girlfriend first out of all of you! Point to the person when I count to three. One, two, three!" The interviewer said. Then, all of the members pointed to Jungkook, including himself. I laughed.

"Oh? Why the maknae?" The interviewer asked. Jungkook took the mic.

"I don't know, I guess I just have that effect on girls. Although I know that when I do get a girlfriend, she will be beautiful, kind, funny, and just perfect." He said. Then he winked at the camera and my heart melted.

"Aww, so romantic! Okay, last question since you guys have to go up and perform soon! Let's say that each and every one of you did have a special girl. Just like your song specifies, say the girl left you. What would you guys say to the girl? Look into the camera and please tell the audience what you would say." The interviewer said. My heart dropped. Namjoon grabbed the mic.

"Don't leave!" He yelled, falling onto the floor. I giggled.

Then, Suga grabbed the mic.

"You leave, I go with you!" He said. Then, Jin grabbed the mic.

"Why would you leave? Stay!" He said and I smiled. Then, Jhope grabbed the mic.

"I'm your hope! You're my hope! Don't leave!" He said. Aww, so cute. Then, Jimin grabbed the mic.

"Stay with me! Don't go!" He said, reaching out to the camera. Then, Taehyung grabbed the mic.

"If you leave, I'm going to tell my alien family to abduct you!" He said and I chuckled. Then, my heart stopped beating when I saw Jungkook. He grabbed the mic, and he had tears in his eyes. This made me tear up.

"You're not going anywhere! I won't let you! You're my life now, I'm not letting you go! I'm nothing without you, I need you!" He said. Tears started to stream down my face.

"Wow, Jungkook, you really get into character when you're acting!" The interviewer said, as a tear escaped Jungkook's eye, completely tearing my heart. He smiled and wiped his tears.

"Thank you!" Jungkook said. After the interview ended, it went to commercial. I fell on my knees. Oh Jungkook, is that why you were so sad this morning? Did you think I would leave without seeing you again? My heart ached. What am I going to do when the day I have to leave comes? After a while, I looked back up. I didn't even realize, but the commercials ended and I Need U started to play. I watched as BTS performed their song perfectly. My heart skipped a beat whenever Jungkook went on, and I ended up cheering and yelling at the tv. After the performance was over, I turned off the tv and went in my room. Then about two minutes later, the home phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID. Jungkook. I cleared my throat and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Jagi..." He said slowly.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He sighed.

"Did you see the interview?" He asked. Should I say I did?

"Yeah..." I said slowly.

"Every word I said on that interview was meant for you." He said and my heart ached again.

"I know." I said. Then, there was silence. I cleared my throat again.

"Anyway, you looked really cute up there!" I said and he softly giggled and thanked me. Then, he had to leave, so I had to hang up. I let out a heavy sigh. I laid back in bed and decided to go to sleep again. I didn't want to think about what I heard and saw. The day I have to leave is not for a long time right? I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep slowly. I have to find a way to stay here for a long time. Hopefully, I will.

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