Intermission 5 Part 4

Start from the beginning

Not a second later, Jack appeared, holding Zwei in his arms and petting him like a cat, much to the adorable corgi's joy. However, Zwei enjoyed the petting but had no idea he was being treated like a cat.

"Tock. Good to see you," Salem said.

"Sorry, but the feeling ain't mutual," Tock said.

"Oh? And what do you mean by that?"

"Well. I've decided to resign from this little faction."

This news surprised the others and made Salem raise a brow in curiosity.

"What was that?"

"What you got shit in your ears?"

Salem became slightly angry.

"You dare speak to me with such disrespect."

"Oh? And what are you gonna do about it?"

Tock quickly picked up a knife and held it to Salem's neck. Many were shocked at her provocation. Wanting to protect the little ones from a possible gruesome sight, Terra covered Adrian's eyes, Meryl covered Rem's eyes, and Ghira covered Percy's eyes.

"Not immortal or a god. Though come to think of it, you hardly were the latter...No...You're just a witch."

Salem looked uninterested and unafraid, just staring back at Tock, making her smirk.

"Acting tough, huh?" Tock asked.

She raised the knife and brought it down.


She had placed the knife a few centimeters from Salem's finger. Salem took her cup of coffee and looked at it, seeing Tock's reflection. She grins and spits into her coffee, much to the disgust of the others.

"Go ahead. Splash that in my-"


Salem had kicked the table up, making it crash into Tock's chin and send her flying to the ground. As the table landed back to the floor with all the accessories and food scattered about, the next thing Tock felt was Salem's heel pressed against her neck, making her feel a sense of asphyxiation.

"Guess I forgot to mention that natural physical stats weren't ever going to be negated," Jack thought.

Tock struggled under Salem's heel, while the Grimm Queen merely looked at Tock as if she were an ant.

"Consider your resignation approved," Salem said as she lifted her heel and walked back to her table.

Tock got up, rubbing her throat in comfort, and took several breaths.

"S-Sure. Act all high and mighty...Y-You're just a lone Queen on the chessboard."


Tock disappeared, returning to her room. Once gone, Salem replaced all the items and food on the table with the same accessories and sustenance, minus the spit. Soon, she poured herself a new cup of coffee. Seeing no further danger, the parents uncovered their children's eyes, earning pouts from their little ones. The parents themselves were chuckling, while Ghira, Kali, and Blake took a picture of Percy's pout.

"No matter, it's not like she's my only subordinate," She thought as she sipped her tea. 

Many of the guests smiled, loving that Salem lost another subordinate. Others were bothered by how Salem wasn't bothered.

After some time, breakfast time was over, and everyone went their separate ways as usual.

[Heracles's Stomping Ground: Private Room No. 2]

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