OG Plans

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Here are some of my orginal plans to TPV, and they either got changed because of a anotheridea or I just got inspeired by somthign else. 

1) Niki was supposed to join Dream

Way back in the begining, I was planning to have Niki join Dream. He would help her with her halucinations and sanity, but since that never happend, we'll jus thave to see whats gonna happen next. 

2) Sam's death

I was gonna make him get stabbed lol

Might not scrap this one. 

3) Hannah's death

Dies trying to save Sam.

All very traumatic for Boomer and Purpled. I honestly think I was jus tup really late and was like 'What if I just kill the entrity of 'Sam's Kids'?' Never happend though. Too much of a Hannah stan. :)

*Awkward cough*

4) Mumza beats Dream (XD's) butt

Shoulda kept this one. 

That honestly all I gotta see.

5) Purpled and Hannah destroy Las Nevadas

What can I say, (currently) Quackity has plot armour. Also I love Las Nevadas. Not to mention that it didn't fi tthier whole 'running away' arc. 

Killing Slime? 


Blowing up a coutry? 



I felt like I couldn't portray the character correctly, and I still don't. It is definetly somthing thats shown in my writing, and especially now I find it hard to write his charcter for too long. Becuase of this, I made him more of a background character. 

7) Drista (In general)

She's such a Mary Sue.

I swear that wasn't my orginal plan. 

I'm working on finding a way to get rid of the Mary Sue, same thing for Lani. I don't mean to do that, It just happens. 

8) The Egg

Chapter 'Crimson' should've been published later. 

Only regret.

9) Hannah's slightly phsycotic arc

I couldn't write it to my standards, and I felt as if I was straying to far away fromt eh charcter I wanted her to become. It was scraped within a week of the idea. Boomer's 'death' had a huge mental toll on her, which is why I even thought of it. But I decided to give her strong, unwavering trust issues instead...

10) Drista Villain arc

Never know. 

She was gonna blow up a whole bunch of stuff, then kill a few selected people.

11) Tommy

He was supposed to die like 2 more times lol

Mary Sue.

Would it be Marlen Sue? 

No idea where I'm going with this.

12) Dream was the villain, not XD

You heared that. Teletubby was suposed to be the whole villain, not a god controlling him. But then I got sentimental and watched old vods and well...he's not evil anymore!

13) Alyssa and Callahan Battle

I had a vague thought and noted it down that Alyssa nd Callahan should fight. But I don't see Callahan doing that, especially to Alyssa. I feel like they wouldn't hurt each other ever.

14) Tubbo was going to Nuke everything

But then it would be boring.

So I decided to save everyone. 

15) 90% Sure I was gonna kill Phil

And thats it. Those are all of my original twisted evil plans. 



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