Chapter 27 - The Past

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Beginning of L'Manberg.

Wilbur sat on top of the van, looking as the sun set. He was waiting for something. Anything, to happen. Maybe to see his mother again. Maybe to see Sally. Maybe to see his father. None of those people would be there, and he knew that.

He hadn't really done anything. His country wasn't even considered a country yet. Just an idea he and Tommy came up with. An idea that he loved. His son needed a place to grow up in, without anyone like Dream. Wilbur wanted to send his son with Sally, who had returned to her ship. But the crew wouldn't allow Fundy on the ship, and Sally wanted him to grow up with Wilbur.

She was dead.

Something in him said that she was dead or going to be. And he couldn't warn her if she was alive.

L'Manberg was going to be his home.

Tommy's home.

Tubbo's home.

Fundy's home.

Eret's home.

All of them were going to get a home. This was his nation that he would protect until his dying breath. He would do anything to keep this place as best as it could be.

After Pogtopia

Niki had been scared during Pogtopia. But staring over the crater, she hated this more. She would go back to the caves and secrets. Just to keep her home alive. Because she cared.


She loved her home, even if it was nothing but a pit. A pit that could be fixed. Wilbur would fix it. He would. She thought that Schlatt must have rigged something. That was why it blew up, Wilbur was just busy. That was why she hadn't seen him.

Tommy was sitting behind Niki on the damp grass, braiding her hair. Niki's hands shook too much to do it herself. He would occasionally put a flower or two in her hair, which she never noticed until the braid fell out. That was why he did it.

Tommy enjoyed seeing Niki smile when an occasional flower fell out of her hair. She hadn't smiled much recently. Or at all since the election. Whenever they were together, Tommy would sometimes sneak another flower in her hair, just to see her smile another time. Because while L'Manberg had been his home, it had been hers too. And when it fell she got much more of the weight than any of them.

Almost more than Wilbur.

Schlatt had made sure of it.

January 6 2021

Tommy breathed in smoke, it was thick and painful in his throat. This couldn't be real. Dream couldn't have done it. He couldn't! But as TNT fell Tommy knew it was lost. All of it was lost. His home. The place that brought him the most joy and pain.

As tears trickled down his face, cutting lines in the dirt, he tried to hold himself together. He tried to not lose himself. He tried to hold onto hope as he stood on the grid. This place was gone. He sat down, his legs hanging off the edge. This was the end. Tommy knew it. His home was now ashes.

Niki breathed in the smoke, it was strong and wonderful in her throat. She was free. She had done it. She was free! TNT fell and the tree burned. She was done. Niki NIhachu would no longer be held prisoner by her home. By her heart.

Her laughter echoed through the air as flames rose in front of her. She let herself go. She let herself finally be free. Her prison was gone. TNT was falling from above, and the explosions were music to her ears. Shouts as the battle raged blended in as lyrics.

This was a deadly symphony.

Her symphony.

HellOoo! I just finished my last week of school! It was great, but now back to the story. You may have noticed I mentioned Sally quite a bit in the beginning. Hmm... nothing will come out of that... >:). But the end of this chapter was to showcase the similarities between TPV!Niki and TPV!Tommy. I'll completely be gone for a week during June because of Vidcon, so just a pre-warning about that! Anyway, hope you have a great day or night! :D

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