Chapter 40 - Arising

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 Alyssa was tired. She didn't know how long he had been laying chained to this wall. How long it had been since one cave was switched out for another. But when the god finally came back, she knew she had one mission.

Stare at him until he felt so extremely uncomfortable that he left.

She knew that probably wouldn't work, but it was a chance. So she stared as he floated over to a small book on a pedestal. She stared as he flipped through the pages. She stared as he let out a breathy laugh. That laugh unnerved her more than she would ever admit. Then he turned, and flicked his hand. The chains on Alyssa's wrist fell to the floor, and she looked at the god in surprise.

"You're about to have company." The god announced, reaching out his arms and saying a few words, and when streams of gold and red flew through the air, Alyssa's eyes widened. It took a few seconds, but then a boy with blond hair fell to the ground a few feet in front of her. Red and yellow flowers in his hair. He looked up and met her gaze.

"Dream." Alyssa whispered, both of them looking at each other with surprise. She launched herself at him, and he held her in a hug as the two whispered promises to each other.

"You're okay. Are you okay?" Dream said hurriedly.
"I'm okay. I'm okay. Are you?" She replied, holding him tighter.

"I'm okay. We're okay." She didn't even notice as some of the flowers fell from his hair into hers. The two held each other for a time that was too short.

"You thought you could escape me with death?" A horrible voice said, and Dream turned to stare at the god.

"It worked didn't it?" Dream replied.

"No. No. It didn't. Before I take control of you, I want you to know that your sister is suffering in a cabin because of you." Dream didn't flinch at his words.

"That world you put us in was real, and I made the right choice. You can take my body. But not my mind." Dream said.

"That is suitable enough." Then Dream fell to the side. His eyes glowing with green, his entire eyes. Alyssa didn't know how to react, and she didn't have time to before she herself was unconscious.

"Sap?" Karl asked, peeking his head into the library. Well he had found him. But he wasn't expecting to find him hunched over in pain against the wall.
"Sapnap!" He ran over, kneeling next to his fiance. "Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere." Sapnap groaned, clutching Karl's hand tightly. Karl wasn't sure how to react, he was never the best in these kinds of situations.

"QUACKITY!" Karl shouted, turning towards the door of the library, hoping desperately that his fiance would run through the door. Karl felt Sapnap's grip on his hand get tighter.

"It'll be okay." Karl whispered reassuringly. Sapnap didn't seem to hear him. Then there were footsteps pounding against wood behind Karl and he turned to see Quackity running towards them.

"What's going on?" Quackity asked, kneeling at Sapnaps otherside.

"I don't know! I-" Sapnap's eyes, which Karl hadn't realized were closed, opened showing a toxic shade of green. Then, the hand Karl was holding slowly crumbled away into green dust. Sapnap was just... gone. Karl looked over at Quackity who pulled him into a hug.

"Niki?" Tommy asked, slowly looking around a corner, the pain in his head was slowly growing. He indeed found Niki, looking out a window into the snow. The only other person in the room was Lani, and Drista, but she was asleep.

"Tommy?" Niki turned towards him.

"Do you feel okay? Because I-"

"No. No I don't." Niki interrupted him, placing one hand on her chest and grimacing. That was really all it took before Tommy was knocked off his feet by a force that wasn't there. And Niki was leaning against the wall. The pain in his head steadily grew.

"PHIL!" A distant voice shouted, then someone was there, checking his pulse. When his vision focused he saw it was Lani, but then she turned and ran over to Niki, lowering the girl to the ground. Phil and Techno then barged into the room, Techno running over to Niki, and Phil moving to Tommy.

Tommy let his eyes slide shut.

"Niki, come on stay awake." Lani ordered, she had seen what happened to Tommy only moments before.

"Can't." Was the only word Niki said before letting her eyes close. Then they suddenly snapped back open, glowing green. Lani looked away as her body turned to dust.

Punz hadn't counted how long it had been, all he knew was that Alyssa was probably dead, and he would be soon. After all, he hadn't had any food in days. Punz fell to the ground and pain overtook his whole body. The world blurring around him. He tried to push himself up, but just kept falling back down. And down. Until finally he let his consciousness fly away.

Karl held on tightly to Quackity, his fiance also clinging on tight. Until Karl felt something wrong. Quackity's hands were shaking, and when Karl pulled back, Quackity's eyes were the very same shade of green Sapnap's had been. Karl could only watch in horror as he faded into dust.

Leaving Karl alone in his library.

"Ranboo, find Tubbo, I'll stay with these two, and get him back here as fast as you can!" Puffy ordered, as she helped prop up the forms of her friends against the wall. Both Sam and Eret were withering in pain, and Puffy knew exactly who was causing it. She would get her payback eventually, when he least expected it.

She watched as Sam's eyes closed in a slow blink, then when they opened she scrambled away. This wasn't what she was expecting.

"Puffy!" Ranboo exclaimed, rushing in the door holding Tubbo in his arms. But the Enderman froze when he watched Sam slowly turn to dust. Puffy turned to look at him when she saw Tubbo also fade away. She felt herself begin to panic when she realized. Eret was still here. She moved next to them, and they grabbed her hand.

"Trust me." Then their eyes closed, and they faded to a green dust. Puffy would sure as hell trust them.

"Bad!" The boy shouted, turning and running over to his friend. "Bad, are you okay? What's going on?" Skeppy couldn't fix this. With all his 'power' he couldn't fix this. Being a demi-god never felt so weak. Watching as his friend faded to dust made him wish he could have real power for once.

As many many more fell into an unrestful sleep, a certain god began to laugh.

While another felt anger growing inside of her. This was the last straw.

The goddess of death would fight back.

The Perfect Villain /Dsmp/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora