Chapter 9 - Shattered

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 Barren wasteland surrounded by snow and nothing scorched ground and crushed mountains. This was the fate that people saw coming. No one could stop it. Unless they could. Would the rain outwill the fire? Or would it be the other way around.

Original plans had been discarded long ago. As it seemed. Rain was outwitting the fire.


Alyssa was watching from the mountain top, well not exactly watching but noticing any changes. She would write down any defenses that were to be put up. Any new paths or buildings. If the girl escaped. If something blew up. Or if anyone came.

In truth she wasn't looking for anything in particular. Sometimes things that interested her. One of those things was the wreckage of L'Manberg. It was a pit now, and she hadn't seen it since it was first founded. Alyssa couldn't exactly hate the people that had done it, after all it stopped it from becoming more of a problem.

She heard someone behind her and turned. Alyssa didn't speak at first, but she had to eventually. "Hey, Calla."

Sam could tell that when he was in the prison Hannah never came, not even to talk. Or when he left she wouldn't visit him for a day or two. So as he got off shift he knocked on her door. She answered, and her face immediately changed. "Hi Sam . . . what are you doing here?" She asked hesitantly. "I came to talk to you, can I not anymore?" He asked. She shook her head. "No, it's just you usually go home after your prison shifts."

Did she know his schedule? That's classified. "Well, I just wondered what you've been up to." Hannah beckoned for him to come inside and she sat on the edge of her bed while he locked around the small one-bedroom house. "Nothing really." She said, smoothing the sheets. Sam decided to ask the question.

"Are you . . . mad at me?" He asked. "No of course not!" Hannah exclaimed. "Then how come you avoid me for days at a time?" Sam asked. "I - I don't!" She was clearly lying. "Yes you do!" Sam said in return. She shook her head again, standing up. "You do just admit it!" He said. "I don't have to say anything to you!" Hannah shouted. "So then what is it?" He yelled.

"Nothing!" Hannah said, but she was backing up slowly towards her armour and weapon stand. Sam gave her a look of surprise and disgust. "Obviously something is going on!" He said. "Can you just leave!" Hannah yelled. "Not till you tell me what's happening!" He yelled. "Get out!" She shouted. "Just tell me! It's not a problem if you just tell me!" Sam was losing his temper and he knew it, he didn't even realize that he was acting the same as in the prison.. But he couldn't stop now. Hannah shook her head, staring him in the eyes, and they continued to scream at each other, there was a look on her face that Sam couldn't understand.

"Now I see why they left you!" Sam yelled.

It was too late. The damage had been done. There were tears in Hannah's eyes. Sam knew she was too stubborn to cry in front of him. "I told you to get out!" Hannah shouted, her voice wobbling. "Are you scared of me or something?!" Sam shouted, stepping closer and swinging his arm for effect. He saw Hannah hold her sword out defensively and flinch, fear, the look Sam couldn't tell before. It was fear. He backed up immediately. "Please just get out." Hannah said. Sam turned and ran out, he had done something wrong. He knew it.

He turned back once to see Hannah on her doorstep watching him walk away, a sword firmly in her grip and a tear slipping down her face. While he would have comforted her before he couldn't now. Sam had lost something that day. Something strong.

In a Kingdom far away. Two lovers fought, the third helplessly trying to stop them. "WHAT HISTORY?!" The boy shouted. It was too far. And the third knew. This life was gone. His lovers had split. And Sapnap didn't know which side to choose. But he turned away when his lover ordered him too, and ran back to the boy, the other love of his life. He noticed a change in him. And couldn't help but regret everything.

Tubbo was scared. He and Michael hadn't gone into hiding. Instead he had given Michael to Eret so his son would be safe. Tubbo was still there. Still waiting for his inevitable death. But it didn't really matter did it? He would see Tommy again, and Eret would be a good parent. He truly had nothing left. As some could say, he had no legacy. And that was something anticipated. It always had been for him hadn't it?

"Are you going to say something or stay there silent?" Alyssa asked. Of course she expected silence. "Why?" It had been a while since she heard his voice. "I couldn't leave him in there. I couldn't let the founder of this land rot for doing what he believes is right. You don't see the man responsible for blowing up a nation many times in there do you?" Alyssa said. Callahan shook his head. "Why did you leave?" Alyssa looked away. "It was too hard to stay. To watch the land we built slowly crumble away. To have you ignore me and not talk to me. To see Sapnap consumed by the need for power. To see the things we built fall away. Our legacy died the moment L'Manberg gained independence. My legacy."

Callahan stayed quiet. "I should have known. Five words and then you'd never talk to me again. The way things always were." Alyssa said, blinking a few tears back. "I'm going to fight for what I want, and not for you. Never for you, Callahan." She brushed past him and wiped a tear of anger from her face. Callahan didn't deserve her tears.

Sapnap punched the sand bag again. He was in his room in Kinoko, getting out his anger. His boxing gloves were tight but they were something normal in his new reality. A way to get out his anger. A way that wouldn't result in him breaking many, many things. A way that wouldn't be showing weakness. He wouldn't cry. No matter how much he wanted to.

The world was truly shattered. But everyone already knew that, didn't they?

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