Chapter 20 - Turbulent

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 "Okay, that's good, just try to adjust your grip on the handle." Techno said as he adjusted Drista's grip on the sword. "Like this?" She asked. "Yeah, you're doing great!" He exclaimed. "So, when I swing it I have to try and not swing my whole body with it?" She asked, repeating what he said earlier. Techno nodded, shuffling his feet in the snow to try and keep them awake. He and Drista had been training for an hour or so now, just outside of the cabin. She swung the sword a few times.

"That was better, just try to use your shoulders more and your core less." He instructed, she nodded and was about to swing the sword again when a voice interrupted them. "Hey, you two should probably get back inside, you've been out here a while!" Phil called out from the front porch. Techno muttered something under his breath along the lines of , 'freaking ancient guy telling me what to do.' Drista snickered when she heard it. Techno turned to her and held his finger to his lips. "Not a word out of you."

"Fine, Fine, I won't tell Phil you called him-" "That is not you saying not a word!" He interrupted, but he was smiling as well. The two walked inside, seeing the chaos that had ensued in the past couple of weeks. It was slowly becoming normal. Tommy was talking non stop to Phil about how Dream started everything and he was completely innocent, and had nothing to do with the past few years and anything that happened during them. While Phil just nodded every now and then. Niki was sitting, glaring into space while drinking horrendous amounts of coffee. This had become normal to them. The family no one had expected.

Drista ran over to Tommy, interrupting his story to tell him about bedrock spawn rates or whatever nonsense she could come up with. He had gone through why he was innocent so many times she couldn't count anymore. "You are totally just making this up." Tommy interrupted her. "Whaaaaat? Me? Lie? Never." She insisted, smirking at him. "Nevermind, there hasn't been bedrock in my possession in forever. I doubt there's any left in my ender chest." Tommy said knowingly, giving her a look. Drista shook her head at him. "Not a chance."

She walked over to Niki and sat next to her. "So, Phil, as I was saying-" "Tommy I will kick you out." Techno warned. "What? Why? I'm so amazing and strong and manly." Tommy replied. "And really loud." Niki whispered under her breath. Drista smiled but tried to hide it. This really had begun to feel like her home. It had been a long time since she felt like this.

Niki was glad to not be alone in her city anymore. It was better to be around people, not to mention she hadn't seen it since she'd started sticking near people. It was worth Tommy's unbelievably long rants in the mornings. She'd found herself enjoying life for the first time in years. The last time she felt this peace was when she had first joined L'Manberg. But Niki preferred not to think about that time. It was easier.

Phil gave her a look that could be translated to, 'Please get me outta here.'. "Well, I'm going to go horse riding. Phil wanna tag along?" She asked. "Yes." he replied immediately. Niki chugged her cup of coffee before setting it down and walking out of the front door with Phil. They walked over to the stables in silence. Niki began saddling her horse and when she was at the saddlebag she checked inside of it. A dagger was resting on the top. One she hadn't used since the fall of Manburg.

White vines streaked across the handle and she held it for a moment, deciding what to do with it. She should have just shoved it back in the bag, however, Niki didn't want that. She put it next to her sword and then climbed on her horse. "Phil, Niki, do not leave me with the children!" Techno shouted. "EXCUSE YOU! I AM NOT A CHILD!" Tommy shouted from inside. Phil smiled and shook his head before beginning to ride off away from the house.

"Goodluck!" Niki called out to Techno as she also began riding away. "Niki! Don't you dare!" He shouted. Niki laughed as she rode after Phil, entering the snowy plains. The familiar mountain ridge stretched out in front of her as the cold wind rushed against her face. The two rode until the mountains were in the distance and the snow stretched out for miles. Niki had missed this, just the feeling of being free.

But she knew it wouldn't last. Out here, she could tell that she and Phil were not alone. But she shoved that feeling deep down and spread her arms allowing the wind to rush around her. This was her freedom, and her purgatory. "I'll race you!" Phil shouted back to her. "You're on!" She exclaimed, Niki pulled ahead quickly, she knew this terrain well. But Phil did too. So the two ended up racing towards a mountain. There was an old rocky path on it, it was not trustworthy.

Regardless the two weaved along the path the top was in sight. Phil reached it first and Niki did as well seconds later. She dismounted from her horse and walked toward the edge, gravel crunching beneath her boots. It was a steep drop, the valley stretched out far below. "I believe I won." Phil said, walking up behind Niki. "It seems you did." "What do I win?" He asked. "Bragging rights?" Niki offered.

"Deal." The two looked out over the valley, taking in the powdered snow, the low clouds, and tracks left from their horses. Then there was frantic scrambling from behind them. The two horses took off down the hill at top speed. Niki looked at Phil and the two understood. Something had scared them off.

Niki was going to walk closer but Phil pulled her back. "Don't move." He whispered. "This is going great isn't it?" Niki whispered back. Phil kept scanning the ground, then took one careful step to his left. "Follow me exactly." He ordered, Niki nodded, trying to put her feet in exactly the same spots. They had crossed nearly half of the mountain when Niki set her foot down and a click echoed through the air.

"Phil?" Niki whispered, panic filling her voice. "Hang on." He said.

Then explosions rocked the earth. Rock collapsed. Walls caved in. Dust filled the air. And the two fell.

Niki cracked open her eyes, trying to push herself up. Rock pinned her down. Sunlight broke through the dust, shining on her face. She was about to call out for Phil when a shadow walked in front of the light. Niki blinked twice until she saw who it was. "Hello Niki, have you missed me?" Wilbur Soot asked, a cigarette in hand. 

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