Chapter 6 -Echoes Of Time

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 Karl had seen a lot. He had seen wars. Peaceful Kingdoms burn. Mountains crumble. But all of that was in the past. He had found a new home here. And everything was good, until he got out. Karl had been traveling back and forth trying to stop him from escaping.

His memory was fading but he kept going back. Everytime. He was about to once more when he saw Sapnap.

Karl ran out of the library and held his fiance in a hug. Sapnap dropped his sword from his hand and held Karl in a hug as well. "Did you stop him?" Karl asked, desperately trying to stop any more thoughts of time travel from getting loose. "No." Sapnap whispered.

Karl pulled back and looked at him. Covered in dirt and debris, Sapnap stood there, looking defeated. Mostly. There was still a spark in his eyes. The spark that Karl prayed would never go out.

"I'm not completely evil." Dream said. "Well, I don't agree with it. You can't, we just won!" Alyssa argued. "I was going to do it anyway, show them I am a God among men." Dream wasn't going to let this go.

But Alyssa wasn't going to give in either. He was throwing away leverage. So much leverage. In the end, it would be a good play though. In some aspects. "If we do it, what then? We lose an advantage." Alyssa said.

"We could, but we could also gain something. Something very valuable." Dream grinned. "And what's that?" Alyssa shot back. "The only thing more valuable than power." Dream looked her in the eyes. "Fear."

It was real. It had touched her. She felt the hand on her shoulder. The whisper that had echoed around her head. Or Niki was insane. She wasn;t sure which yet. But she would hope. Hope that it was real. That she wasn't that far gone.

Niki was currently sitting on the steps of Techno and Phil's house. She was pretending to be inspecting a dagger, while in reality she was just trying to make sense of everything that had been happening.

She was scared. Of everything that was going on. The . . . thing, the war, how the words seem to bounce around her head. Niki found her hands shaking not just from the cold. The dagger fell out of her hands and clattered down onto the deck. She took a shaky breath in an effort to calm herself and reached to pick up the knife.

While picking it up she accidentally cut her finger. Niki ignored it and simply set the dagger down next to her. She was vulnerable. For the first time in a long time. She felt weak. Her memories she had tried to block them out, but they were there. Ready to surface at any time. "They were never gone." Niki whispered to herself.

She glanced behind her quickly before her plan began to form. Well not exactly a plan, but something to get this thing out of her head. A plan to finish this symphony. She would do almost anything at this point.

Dream was no longer going to argue about it. Alyssa finally agreed, he would get another ally soon. The powers of the revival book were no longer on paper, but in his blood. Seared into his brain. An everlasting mark. Dream wrote out the words in a simple book. Alyssa watched from the door next to Punz.

A wall of lava cascaded within the wall, acting as a fire. Casting orange light over his writing. He was not as outnumbered anymore. And Dream knew for a fact that he was a God among men. A God who would not hesitate to murder all of them and then bring them back for fun. As he should.

Power corrupts, he had once said. But what is a little power when you have godliness?

George hated this. Dream was Foolish enough to think he was on his side. To believe George joined because he wanted to. It was out of fear. And that would always be the only reason. At one point he was Dream's best friend, maybe more, but now he was an actor.

On a deadly blood-soaked stage. A stage that would go on ever-lasting, battle raging for enos to come. That was one thing George was sure about. Human nature was to fight.

Punz wasn't going to ignore the play for power, it was smart, but it could also lead to less leverage. In the end Dream was his friend as well as his employer. So, he didn't really have an opinion. He would fight for him, no matter the circumstances. Punz was loyal, although many aren't.

The war that was still ongoing. The war he would win. No matter the cost.

So, maybe He did want chaos. But also power. What better way to do that than start a country? And build a Casino. Definitely a Casino. Now, he had power and money. But many of his friends had left. And that was something that would never sit right with him.

Along with the looming feeling that something was on the brink of collapse since the moment he heard the alarm. He hated that his friends had left him, built their own homes and factions, governments and hierarchy. They were all separated now, but united against one man. Most of them anyway.

"Hear me." Hannah said. Mostly to herself. "Hear me." She didn't know why. "Hear me please." But there was no reply. There couldn't be. She was alone. In a simple field, a field with no flowers. She had gotten a letter that morning. She wished it never reached her.

It wasn't anything good. It was a letter signifying her friend's death. One of her best friends. She hoped it was simply not true. But it was too real. Way too real. She sat on her knees, holding the crumpled and tear stained letter in her hands.

Her tears, she realized. Hannah heard thunder crack and looked up at the sky, rain beginning to fall, mixing with her tears. He was gone. After telling her -promising her- that he would come back to her and Purpled. And he didn't.

He never would. She looked through the rain, eyes blurry with tears. She had lost almost everything once, before she met her friends. Many of which were living in her and Purpled's old home. But he came with them for the journey. And then left them in the night. Leaving a simple note. A promise. A promise that would never be fulfilled. She felt it. Every inch of her anger and sadness. All the built up emotions. The fighting. This was what she would let break her. 

And Hannah let out a scream.

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