Chapter 4 - Rescued or Revived

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(T.W. Character Death)

A throne rested in shambles. Forever lost to time and ruin. One day it may be rebuilt. But for now it was destroyed. The King would need supplies. But these were for his people. At the time, he didn't know there was a traitor. He didn't know Punz had betrayed them and joined the enemy.

"Hey, Eret." The blonde man said, walk nonchalantly through the halls. "Hello, Punz." The King greeted formally. The man looked at the destroyed throne. "Did you do that?" In reply Eret threw the pickaxe on the ground in front of him. "I did what I had too."

Punz walked forward, stepping over the discarded pickaxe. "You know, rumor has it we're going to war." He examined the ruined throne. Eret narrowed his eyes, He did not like the rigidness of Punz's stance. "Are you questioning my loyalty, Punz?" Eret said.

"Possibly, would you mind telling me where exactly your loyalty lies?" The man demanded. "Anywhere but with Dream." Eret shot at the man. Punz frowned and his hand inched towards his sword.

Eret himself glanced over to the wall where an axe was mounted. "You know it really is a shame that everyone is so divided these days. Into factions, I mean." Punz proclaimed. "Would you prefer the days of constant war against or with L'Manberg?" Eret was ready to run for the axe.

"It was simpler in those days, but now there's two sides again." Punz's hand was practically on the handle of his sword. Eret braced himself. "And sadly, we are on opposite sides in this fight." Then Punz drew his blade. Eret ran for the axe and managed to grab it before ducking under the blade of Punz's sword.

The King ran up the stairs towards the roof of the castle. The dawn. The dawn of a new era, the start of a new war. The first battle would be fought on the roof of the castle. Between a King and a man.

Blades clashed as the sky turned shades of orange. Metal screeching against metal. The King's axe was strong, forged during the first war, he never thought he'd use it again. But here he was.

Here they all were, fighting once again. Fighting in battles that would go down forever. Eret swung his axe for Punz's head, missing by an inch. Punz aimed for the neck, but Eret threw himself away from the blade.

"Why won't you die, King?" Punz hissed. "Maybe us Kings were once soldiers like you." Eret replied, knocking Punz to the ground.

"What kind of a villain am I?" Alyssa said thoughtfully to herself while looking out over a mountain. They used mountains well, too high for many people to see the top of, while they could observe. Alyssa was ready for war, Dream was also. They would attack tomorrow.

At Dawn a battle would rage, and standing at the head of the destruction would be Alysssa. She was ready. Weapons she had brought were sharpened and ready for battle. The potions were being made.

They had a prisoner who was incredibly valuable. And if it came down to it, they would kill him. If it came to it they would kill Tommy Innit.

"No, there's no way." The God of Undying said to his mother. "It's true he's out." She said. "But-But how can he be free?" The God was confused. "HOW?!" He shouted at himself. The God turned to his mother, tears in his eyes. "The Prison-Pandora's vault- It's inescapable!"

"We thought that. We truly did. They did everything to stop him." She said, solemnly. "What about you? How did you try to stop him?" Foolish demanded. "I didn't. I helped him." She replied simply.

Lighting struck down around the lands, and rain began to pour. There was an angry God.

The girl looked over the lands, her mask pushed to the side like usual. It had been a while. She hadn't changed much about herself, other than her opinion of her brother. And her hoodie, now orange and white instead of green.

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