Chapter 13 - Swordplay

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 Drista glared at Quackity as he registered who she was. People were passed out across the room, some had chains on their wrists and others were simply laying there. Hannah was the closest to Quackity, which Drista noted.

"Miss me?" She asked, before throwing a knife, severing the strap on his gas mask. It clattered to the floor, but unfortunately there was no gas left in the room. "No. I really didn't." He said in return, grabbing a sword. "Then too bad." Drista said in return, grabbing Nightmare. Quackity stared her down, not a single breath could be heard, a tenison hung in the air. No one moved for a solid minute. Then Drista charged, blocking Quackity's sword before swinging at his arm. Specifically his sword arm. She had trained with him. Which meant she knew which he used the most for attack.

She kept swinging repeatedly at the same arm, and Quackity seemed to catch on. He went back onto the defensive, blocking her attacks. She had a great shot and took it, then Quackity grabbed her wrist and spun her so he was holding a sword to her throat. Drista struggled to get free for a moment before letting herself go limp. This alarmed Quackity, and he dropped both her arms. She spun around, knocking his legs out from under him. Fundy ran at Drista from behind, she turned and reached out her arm, Nightmare came flying into her hand.

She blocked Fundy's attack, swinging his sword across the room. She kicked him back into a pile of chairs before grabbing his sword in the other hand. She charged at Purpled, who really wasn't trying to fight, simply blocking and messing with her.

Which, of course Drista could tell. So instead she acted tired. Purpled rolled his eyes at her and struck clumsily. To which she grabbed his wrist, kicked it and his sword clattered to the floor. Purpled looked up in surprise before taking a direct punch to the face. He stumbled back into the wall and Drista backed up. She had lost Fundy's sword but still had Nightmare.

Quackity was slowly getting to his feet, holding the gas mask to his face. He laughed as gas poured out from under the stage again. Drista wouldn't pass out, or she thought she wouldn't. The gad reached her and all it did was make her nauseous. But going with the whole 'I'm fully human' act she let herself fall to the floor. The gas stopped dispensing immediately and the room cleared out. Someone neared her and it was her plan to take them down. However when she tried to push herself up she couldn't.

After all, she was only half-goddess. She couldn't stop him if she was drugged. Drista thought, definitely angry. She tried to push herself to her feet again. It didn't work. Now she, and around half the server were in the captivity of Quackity. And Drista had a feeling that this was not going to go well.

Authors note: I had to split the chapter because of how long it was going to be. So have this part for now! :D 

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