Chapter 20~

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Narutos POV~

We only had a week left until prom. Now that I think about mom doesn't know who I'm going with better yet me and Sasuke are dating. I think I'll tell her when she gets home. OH! I'll also tell dad too.

Time skip parents are home~~~

"WE'RE HOME!" I heard my mom say. "God you don't have to be so loud I'm right here you know." I said rubbing my ears. "oh I'm sorry." my mom said as she scratched the back of her neck my dad chuckled seeing how flustered she was. "Mom dad takes a seat." my mom and dad were kinda confused as to why all of a sudden I got so serious all of a sudden.

I take a deep breath in and then out. "So you know how I'm going to prom and all?" I asked as they nodded their head yes. "Well I'm going with Sasuke and we're also dating." they looked at each other and then back at me. "That's what you got all serious for?" my dad asked. "You think we didn't realize?" my mom asked.

Well, it made sense seeing as they both knew that I liked Sasuke. "We're not the only ones who know either Sasukes parents also know and they were happy to hear it seeing as Sasuke never has had feelings for anyone is what his parents told us." I was kinda shocked but also happy to see that both sides approved of the relationship.

"Well I'm glad you told us instead of keeping it secrete." my mom said. I gave her and my dad a smile. "Well I'm going to bed good night mom and dad." they both said good night back and I started to make my way to my room.

Time skip to the next day~~~

I woke up to feeling lips on mine. I was confused I let my vision clear. "Good morning Naruto." after my vision cleared I was able to see it was Sasuke. I smiled at him but I was also confused as to how he got into my room better yet my house. "How did you get in here." I rubbed my eyes. "Well, your dad let me in. I came here to pick you up." then I remembered it was Friday we were supposed to go shopping today for prom outfits. We all agreed to skip school to do this.

I got out of bed and went to my closet to change into my clothes for the day. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face the usual. Then we both walked out the door to meet up with the others.

No one's POV:

After everyone meet up they went to the mall and looked and looked until they found the outfits they were gonna wear. Naruto and Sasuke decided they wanted to wear the same colors so that's what they did. Sakura was of course wearing pink while Sai was gonna wear black and pink so they could also match in colors.

After all the shopping they did they all went to the food court area and ate some food. After that everybody went home.


A/N : I know the ending is terrible but I don't think of any other way to end it.😂 MAKE SURE TO VOTE MY CHAPTERS!!

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