Chapter 4~

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After that night of peeking at Sasuke's window, many months had passed and as the months passed Naruto and Sasuke grew closer together and became somewhat friends. All of a sudden Naruto and Sasuke would go to each other's house now and again. Sometimes Naruto would catch Sasuke in the hallways and he would run toward him but Sasuke would always run away from Naruto because Sasuke found Naruto a little bit annoying of course, Naruto would chase until Sasuke stopped running away from him. Naruto and Sasuke spent a lot of time together. Slowly got to know each other personally as time flew by.

Naruto hated to admit it but Sasuke was a nice guy under that tough guy exterior. His company though a little annoying because of his constant reminders of Naruto being a dumbass and an idiot was low-key comforting. Something about Naruto spending time with Sasuke brightened his day... Brought a foreign but familiar feeling out of him. A deeper and more enjoyable feeling.

The school bell rang signaling that the school day has ended. It being Naruto's final year was stressful and emotionally tired. After Naruto grabbed his things and said goodbye to his friends. He began to walk out the school gates. As Naruto was walking he saw Sasuke standing near the school gates. Sasuke was getting quite the attention from Naruto's schoolmates. His female schoolmates to be exact.
'Where are they coming from? Why is he being so fawned over? Surely they've seen a male before. a decent looking male at that maybe even more decent...'  Naruto thought to himself.

Naruto was huffing out his chest an unidentified mixture of emotions took over his body with each stride he took towards Sasuke. "Come on Sasuke let's go." Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm and started to walk in the direction of their houses. "Naruto is everything fine?" Sasuke asked Naruto in a Worried tone "yea everything is fine Sasuke."  "Then what was that back there." Naruto looked at Sasuke then looked at the ground under their feet. "Sasuke I'm fine ok." Sasuke looked at the arm in Naruto's firm hand Naruto realized that Sasuke was looking at the arm he had in his hand. "Oh sorry, my bad," Naruto said as he let go of his arm. "See ya Sasuke!" Naruto ran down the street until he felt Sasuke lost sight of him 'why the hell did I do that back there?! Was I that damn jealous of those shameless girls who kept rubbing their flat tissued ass boobs on Sasuke's arm!?' Naruto couldn't understand where these feelings were coming from and why they were there.

These last few months Naruto caught himself getting closer and closer to Sasuke.  They had built a friendship that was almost on the same friendship level as he and Sakura had but it was different...the way he felt about him was different. His heart would skip a beat every time he looked at him very much so talk to him. And even when he was touched by Sasuke intentionally or unintentionally he felt very flustered and started to get sweaty. Naruto sighed taking out his phone. He pulled up safari and started to search up -what does it mean when you are a guy and you start to get sweaty palms and a racing heart and a fiery face around another guy?-  Naruto searched it up and saw a response it said -you may be Ill, in love or gay.- 'could I be gay or possibly in love with Sasuke?'

His Attention. (sasunaru) AUWhere stories live. Discover now