| CHAPTER 24 |

Začít od začátku

                                                                              <yes...send it as soon as possible its urgent]

[sure, sir just give me a minute>


some months back I saw her family picture in one of the famous businesses magazines that's why I know her brother 

but now I need her brother's number to get her back home because I don't know her address

and I can't really take her to my home because that would be very Awkard in the morning 

Assistant Lee:

sir this is the office desk number of Mr. Min, I managed to get this only......hope this will help


I sighed in relief and texted back 'it'll ...Thank you for help lee!'

I immediately clicked on that number and waited to be received it 

the whole time my baby was sleeping soundly in my arms 

the call was soon picked up 


'This is really y/n brother....'

<uh...evening sir...I'm Namjoon..a...nd]

[speak because I got no free time>


<sorry s..sir as I said I'm Namjoon...y/n's colleague and I wanted you to pick her up because seems like she has slept and now she is not waking up...]


<Pardon Mr. min but I swear I have done nothing .... she seems like she was drunk and now she is sleeping, and I don't know her address so that I can drop her off...that's why I called ...]

I spoke without taking breaths

[STAY WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW...and if you do anything to her, I swear I'll skin you alive ...now send me the location>


I hurriedly declined the call...feeling nervous all of sudden 

'god damn her brother is so scary....'

I was sitting there nervous when my mobile pinged 

send me your location on this number

that must be her brother because previously that was the landline number...

I sent him the location on that number and adjusted her body posture again before standing up tall with her in my arms 

I know if her brother would have seen us in that position, I'll be 6 ft down that earth

so, I took her to the nearby bench and sat her down on it before settling myself beside her 

I gently took her head and placed that on my shoulder 

I kissed her forehead once again and tucked her hair behind her ear 

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat