Bob's Burgers

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There was a time in my life where I would have fabricated every excuse imaginable just to avoid meeting with a member of the male species. At least without the accompaniment of a fellow female chaperone.

Having not been blessed with an abundance of companions, that exhilarating posting would always befall upon Dannielle. I'd spent hours fantasising what life would be like in her shoes for the day, (or heels,so to speak). Beautiful, intelligent, and with the astonishing ability to articulate with everyone and anyone; she would strike jealousy in even the most complacent of women. And to top it all off, she is loved by everyone. Which was one of the commodities in life that I'd longed for, in, well, forever.

"What you thinking about, Kitten?"

I glance across the table, irked, and contemplating giving the cocky boy a mouthful for interrupting my thought process. It was still difficult to comprehend that Jacob Wilde was actually, voluntarily, choosing to spend precious minutes of his downtime with me. Sure, we might be currently spending that time in a poky fast-food joint situated in the, shall we say, somewhat rundown area of the mall, but hey, it's the company that matters right? Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed my fine cuisine courtesy of Bill's Bargain Burgers. I couldn't, however, say the same for Jacob, who prodded cautiously at the unfortunate bun with a tiny plastic fork.

"Are you going to eat that anytime soon?" I pipe up, sheepishly pointing to the untouched cheeseburger, still sitting in its box, "I mean not eating it is just a complete violation to all Bill's Burgers devotees."

Jacob raises a dubious eyebrow, watching me eyeing up his food.

"Kitty. I highly doubt that Bill has many avid fans at all. With the exception of you of course..I honestly don't think this is edible," he concludes, with a disapproving stare, as he holds up said burger for further inspection, "It's floppy, Kitty. Burgers aren't supposed to be floppy."

"What are you talking about, Jacob? All the best burgers are floppy," I declare defensively, disregarding his concern for my health, "Are you going to eat it or not?" I dead pan, fluttering my lashes at him in a persuasive manner, that only us women can achieve.

The pretty boy raises a dark brow in disbelief.

"Knock yourself out," he mutters, whilst sliding the cardboard box across the tabletop towards me.

"That's a little ironic don't you think?" I chuckle, pointing in his general direction with the other side of the fork.

"Kitty," Jacobs suddenly, abrupt, factious tone warns me that he's not at all pleased with my response. And it's at that point that I give him a lazy shrug, before hastily averting my eyes from the intense glare he's directing at me.

"What?" I exclaim indignantly, generally confused with his very fast shift in temperament. I've always found it impressive to tell the truth, how Jacob can go from being ecstatically exuberant to a frenzied rage in 0-60 seconds, sometimes less. Jacob has more mood swings than a pregnant woman. I close my eyes in appreciation as I take a hungry bite from my newly acclaimed food.

It is totally edible. And tasty.

"Don't make light of what happened," he interjects sharply, before I can take another bite. After that I become acutely aware that Jacob is watching me stuff my face with those disapproving blue orbs of his. It's incredibly off putting, I'll tell you.

Our eyes meet as I raise my chin to the air away from my delectable distraction, and together we share a moment of silent communication, both of us unable to break the deep connection we've established. Even through his stern poker face, I can still detect the mischievous glint that shines behind his eyes. Like a candle that won't burn out.

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