It's me who finally relinquishes, eager to move our conversation on from the very awkward subject of my near death experience. I drop the leftover burger from my fingertips, and swallow the remainder to clear my throat.

"Are you on your period again, Jacob?" I snigger, finding it impossible to suppress the smirk growing on my lips. Jacob scrunches his nose up at that and slumps his shoulders, visibly relaxing against the hard, plastic backed bench . The seating area in these establishments is never at the height of comfort, but what can you expect really. I mirror him, instantly feeling a little more relaxed that's he's de-stressed.

"It's one of those, you know. If I didn't laugh, I'd cry," I try to explain to the best of my ability.

"Right," he confirms with a curt nod, "You know we're not supposed to be talking about this today."

It was true. Jacob had persuaded me to spend the day in his company, providing he wouldn't interrogate me about my actions the previous day. He promised me a day of hassle free fun, where we could hopefully just forget everything, even if just for a short period. And here I was bringing up the topic off my own back. What an idiot. Well actually, he started it.

"So let's not talk about it," I insist, jumping to my feet in excitement, "What do you want to do?"

Jacob stares at me, blinking slowly, "I have a proposition for you before we leave."

"That sounds horribly ominous," I mumble back, dropping my gaze to my feet as my enthusiasm fades,"I'm not going to like it am I," I surmise whilst kicking the air with my foot.

A screeching noise echoes throughout the room, when Jacob pushes his chair back to stand up. He stretches his long, muscular arms to the ceiling and allows a wide yawn to slip from his lips. Watching him yawn makes me follow suit, naturally.

"Why do you always assume the worst? Believe me Kitty, assumption is the mother of all fuckups," he pauses to run a hand through his shiny hair, causing it to stick up in humorous tufts of frustration, "Me, Danni, Tom, Ollie and a couple of his mates are all going out tomorrow night for some drinks and-"

"No!" I retort immediately, flashing him a scowl to show my immediate distaste.

"I haven't even finished yet," he growls back.

"It doesn't matter. The answers still no."

The fragile way I was feeling at the moment, I had no motivation to be surrounded by groups of overly excitable youths, forced to socialise with new and old faces, and pretend that my life was wonderful. Not to mention Danni would be there, and she would know something was up. Then she'd badger me all night, until I spilled the beans. No thank you.

"I'll buy you a new outfit to go in."

My ears perk up at the new information put forward. That's a little more tempting. I could do with updating my wardrobe.

"I knew that would convince you," he chuckles, probably noticing the prominent twinkle in my eyes, "So materialistic," he tsks, reaching over to sling a lazy arm around my shoulders. I eye it up moodily, considering shrugging him away. But unusually, I like it there. It's..nice. Even if I do despise that word.

"Let's get out of this dump then. We can walk to the main shops from here," he smiles warmly, earning a simple nod from me.

So walk to the shops we do. Luckily for us, the distance between Bill's and the main shops isn't far. It's a twenty minute walk at most, which at first, we spend chattering away before falling into a comfortable silence.

At some point, whilst I pondered my thoughts, Jacobs arm had managed to slip downwards from its position across my shoulders to fit snugly around my waist. He's a devious little bugger, I'll give him that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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