13~ I Like Cliché

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I pulled away from the kiss and looked around the park. "What was that for?" I asked him. "Listen, I really really like you. Be my girlfriend." he grabbed both my hands. I took mine away. "That's not really how it works. I like you too but I think we should take things slower." "I- I can't do that. I want to go out with you." he pleaded.

I looked into his eyes. At that moment I knew.

"I will only go out with you when you ask me firmly." I crossed my arms. He got down on one knee. If anyone was at this park they would've thought I was getting married at 16. "Will you go out with me Zoey?" He asked. "Yes, now what was that little kiss about before?" He stood up. "Want me to do it again?" He moved closer. "Not until you learn my full name." I smirked and started walking home. "Dramatic exit thing again?" He gave a flat look. "Hey, I like cliché."

I got home with a horrible feeling. I felt like I was using Ryan, but he was using me too... So this was right? Or was this wrong?

A doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts.

Please don't be- I opened the door and there he was.

"What do you want Danny?" I didn't make eye contact. "I'm sorry, I'm flat out sorry. I shouldn't have judged you for liking me. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, I just can't stand to see my best friends heart broken and especially if it's my fault." He confessed. "It's not that you kept it from me that you knew, it's that you don't like me back."

I felt selfish, I was blaming him for not liking me back. I've always liked him and I always will. But apparently I have a boyfriend now so I can't like him. Since when did my boring life actually start to mean something?

"Zo, I can't just make feelings appear. I will always be here for you, just not as a boyfriend but as a best friend." He kissed my forehead. I continued to look at the ground. "And how are you going to be here for me if you live all the way in Wisconsin?!" I put my hands on my hips, letting a tear trickle down my face. He grabbed my hand, sending shivers down my spine. "Well," he paused, "I'm here now, ain't I? How about this: no more secrets."

I nodded slowly and then gulped loudly. I took my hand away. "Well in that case... I need to tell you something. I have a boyfriend?" It came out more like a question. "That's great news! Who?"

I wanted to tell him who, but after he saw the fight Ryan and I had at the beach that day, he might not approve. My best friends approval is all I wanted.

"Well, his name is Ryan. Actually... you already met him." "It's not that jerk at the beach right?!" I said nothing. "Right?!" He continued. "Oh dear." he finished. "He's a really great guy."

What did I just say?!

I gulped really loudly. "Is he now... I want to meet him." I started coughing. "That's not happening." I extended a hand to my chest. "Why not?" "Because he just became my boyfriend. You need to wait. I'll call you later." I closed my door.

Now my best friend wants to meet my boyfriend?! Typical.

R: Hey babe.
Z: Hey and it's only been 2 hours, you can't call me babe yet.

He weirded me out.

R: Oh sorry, so what's up?
Z: Would you mind meeting my best friend?
R: Depends, who is he?
Z: The guy you met at the beach... but he's better, you just caught him at a bad time.
R: I don't want to meet that guy who is trying to steal my girl away from me!
Z: your girl? I'm not a prop and he's not stealing me away. This is a big deal to me, why cant you see that?!
R: Alright, fine I'll meet him. Why does he mean this much to you?
Z: Because, he's the only one whose been here for me all my life.
R: And you wonder why I get jealous.

Oh I bet he regretted sending that one now did he.

Z: You're jealous?
R: Isn't it obvious?
Z: Not really! Don't worry, we're just friends. And besides, you're the one whose my boyfriend.
R: whatever you say, girlfriend.

Why does dating feel this weird?

Ryan's POV:

I didn't want to meet this guy, but I did it for her. Anything that meant something to her, means something to me. I just want to be that guy. That guy that she constantly talks about, that guy that's always been there for her.

I needed something to get all of this off my mind.

"Ryan!" My little brother Randal called. "What is it this time?" I turned off my phone and looked at the bottom bunk of our bunk bed. "Can we go out and play now?" He pleaded. "I told you, not now." "You're so mean! I wish mommy was still around!" He stomped out of our room.

We were currently living with our father who was like a guy version of Maleficent. He would smack us as "discipline", he wouldn't help us with anything. So in other words, I was raising Randal all by myself. He was always working and when he wasn't working, he was drinking.

Zoey's POV:

I told Ryan to meet Danny and I at the nearest pizza place.

It was dead silence until the waiter came to take our orders.

Classy pizza place huh?

"Can I get the uh, I don't trust this guy slice?" Danny started. "Excuse me?" The waiter questioned. "I mean, the extra cheesy please."

Well this couldn't have started off worse.

"And can I get the he's totally jealous milkshake?" Ryan continued.

I spoke too soon.

The waiter, obviously confused, looked to me. "We will all take waters for now." I smiled and he walked away.

Both guys placed their attention to the menu, regarding several pizza type choices.

"So uh what do you like to do for fun? I mean besides the tons of girls because I hear you're a player..." Danny fired. "Says the guy who gets no girls at all." Ryan fired back.

Why was Danny acting this way?! I've never seen him like this before.

"Can you guys stop?! Danny, I asked you a simple thing. To meet my boyfriend and tell me your thoughts, not talk about all his prior thots! And Ryan, I told you how important Danny is to me. He will never replace you but you will never top him either! Can you both stop being jerks and act like civilized people?!" I ran out of the restaurant.

Neither of them understood how much the other meant to me.

Danny has been the guy figure I needed since I met him when I was 2.

Ryan was my boyfriend that I actually liked for him being him! He didn't need to persuade me into liking him.

They both meant so much to me, but if they can't put up with each other, I don't know if I can look either of them in the eye anymore.

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