10~ The Incident.

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"You need to get out of the house! You can't just sit here all summer. Go hang with Danny or something." my mother placed some folded blankets on my ottoman. "Danny and I aren't talking so there's no where for me to go." I rolled over in bed. "Then why don't you go fix that." and with that she left.

It's not that easy mother.

I got up, got dressed, and brushed my teeth. I guess I should take advantage of this free day by scheduling a spa appointment. Nothing could go wrong.

I was wrong...

As soon as I got there, after the half hour long walk, I saw three people that I never wanted to see again:
Kaitlin, Carrie, and Carol.

"What are you doing here?" Carrie walked over to me and her entourage followed. "I have the right to be here just as much as you do." I crossed my arms, trying to take away the attention we were drawing in the lobby of the spa. "Well, while you're here you could use some touching up with- this." Carol gestured to my face. I smacked her hand away and replied, "I don't care for you anymore, I'm gonna go get in line-" I tried to turn but Kaitlin grabbed my arm. I could feel her fake nails digging into my skin. "Listen here and listen good. Whatever you're trying to create with Ryan, will not work. Everyone knows he would never fall for a girl like you." she let my arm go, causing me to fall on the floor. Everyone in the whole room stared at me. I ran out the doors, giving them the satisfaction they wanted. All I could see as I ran home was the flashback of the smirk they had.

This is why I don't leave the house mother...

Ryan's POV:
After I kissed her on the cheek, I immediately regretted it. I wanted to kiss her on the lips, like a real kiss should be. I bet she thinks I'm a coward.

I decided to text her and see what's up.
R: Hey, how's it going?
Z: Alright I guess. You know you can call me right?
R: Okay, I just didn't want to bug you.
Z: You'd never bug me.

I dialed her number and she answered.
Z: "hello?"
R: "Hey!"
She sounded out of breath.
R: "So what's up?"
Z: "Oh just running home."
She sounded like she was crying. I got worried, I'm not sure why, but I worry about her.
R: "What's wrong?"
Z: "Nothing."
R: "I can tell it's something."
Z: "I don't want to talk about it, it's just been a long day. Want to go out for frozen yogurt later? I could use something cold to cool me down."
R: "Anything for you."
Z: "Pick me up at 4."
And with that she hung up.

Girls confuse me sometimes.

Zoey's POV:
After I hung up the phone I sat down on a bench not far from my house. I needed to sit and think about things. I quickly checked the time- 2:47- and turned my phone off. I needed a break from the world.

What if Kaitlin was right? What if Ryan is just being with me out of guilt. But wait- how did she find out?! Oh wow, we're neighbors duh.

Brunette moment..

I decided to start walking home again and get ready for my date- I mean meeting- with Ryan. Meeting? What's wrong with me today?!

I finally got home and ran through the door. I trudged up the stairs and walked past my moms room.
"Where were you?" She lifted up her glasses and placed the magazine down on her lap. "Just where you told me to go: out." I continued walking to my room at the end of the hall.

I threw on a nice shirt and some converse. I just left my hair down as this wasn't an official date.

As much as I wanted it to be a date, I still wanted to enjoy whatever's going on right now. I don't want to rush into things ya know?

I took one last look at the time- 3:55- and was out the door again. I was ready for.. Whatever this is.

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