3 ~ Together?

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"Where is he gonna stay? This house is not a hotel Zoey." My mother scowled. "Ugh, he's just going to stay in the guest room! You can't leave a 17 year old boy on the street!" I yelled. She poked a fork at her food from across the dining room table. She then gave out a long sigh and said, "Fine, but I'm not responsible if you guys fight." "Thank you!!" I got up and hugged her. I skipped up the steps and texted Daniel the good news.

"Get your yearbooks here! If you throw in an extra five dollars, I'll sign it!" Carrie and Carol yelled while Katie sat in a chair with an extended sun visor. Just because their popular, it doesn't mean they're famous. "Are you here for my autograph?" Carrie said as I walked by their booth outside the school. "No, I'm here because I want a yearbook." I stated the obvious. She gave a weak smile and handed me my 9th grade yearbook. "Thanks." I gave a flat look.

The school year was almost over, just two more weeks. I could make it through. I just couldn't wait to see Daniel. When we were kids, he was always around but now I haven't seen him in over 6 years.

In our yearbooks, students get to say one positive thing about each of their friends but of course I didn't have any. I just wanted to see if anyone bothered to speak about me.

I sat down on a bench outside the school and began reading the yearbook. I turned to the page with my picture on it. Below it said,
"Hey, I left my ego in the newsroom. Can you please return it nerd?"
Oh my goodness, why did Ryan Sanders write about me? He's not my friend. I'm so confused.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I felt a jolt of the bench. "Well, well look who it is." Ryan said. "Why?" I just flat out said. "I see you've gotten my little letter." he said creepy like. "Answer my question." "Right after you answer mine." What the heck sir jerks a lot, you never asked me any dang question. "What question?" I implied. "Listen, I'm sorry about the other day." He said. His eyes asked for forgiveness. I gave him a slight nod and he continued. "So, to make it up to you, I demand you go on a date with me." he said and I gave him a flabbergasted look.

First of all, that jerk likes me? Second of all, did he just demand that I go on a date?!

"Excuse me?" I said and he moved closer. I then moved backwards, backing away from him. "You heard me." "Thats no way to ask out a girl." I got up from the bench. "Hey, every girl at this school is dying to go out with me." he said proudly. "Well clearly I'm not every girl." I walked away.

That jerk thinks he can get me in his arms, he's sadly mistaken.

Ryan Sanders was your typical brat boy. He was filthy rich, good looking, and completely shallow. That's why every girl liked him. He had blonde hair and dark greenish eyes. If he wants me, he needs to show me that he has more depth than dignity.

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