5~ Confirmed Feelings

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*Two weeks later- last day of school*

Here passed down the line of students, a note for none but myself. From.. you know who.
R: You never answered my little question..
Z: well your "little question" takes a while to answer..
R: about how long? It's already been two weeks and this is the last day of school.
Z: would you relax.. That's not that long. You have you my number, text me after school.
R: k...
The dreaded answer of "k".

"So are you happy that it's finally summer?" My mother asked. "I don't care, just another boring summer with no friends." I peered out the car window. "Well, remember Daniel is coming this summer...?" For once my mothers words brought me cheer and not a headache or a red cheek.

Z: so, here we are..
R: Yep, so yes?!
Z: "yes"?! That's how you talk to a girl..
R: you're different though
Z: so I'm not a girl to you?!
R: ...
Z: how are you ever going to hold a relationship with anyone.. ever?!
R: I've had many relationships
Z: and how long did they last? A week? Please, your relationship skills are as thin as a piece of spaghetti.
R: ohh burn, I guess that means for our date you will want Italian food?
Z: you jerk. I have to go, remember, still thinking about it.
R: wow, I may need to work on my relationship skills but you need to work on your time management skills.

And with that final thought I turned off my phone and continued to poke at my spaghetti. Thanks dinner for helping me make up a zinger for Ryan.

"So if I do x+y/ pie then I get the right answer?!" I asked Daniel. We have these three hour long conversations sometimes. "Yep, it's that easy." I could tell he nodded right through the phone. "Wow, I've been doing it wrong my whole life." He laughed at my comment. After that little fun moment, my mother burst in the door. I turned and pointed to the phone so she knows that I'm occupied. She just looked around confused. "Fitz!" She mumbled. "That dirty old man? I mean that fine ol' bloke." I made an arm motion. "Nothing sweetie, go to bed." she patted my head and clinked her heels up the stairs. I wonder what happened to her. All I know is that it didn't look like nothing...

"You alright?" Daniel asked. I totally forgot I was on the phone with him. "Oh yeah, everything's fine... But anyway, I don't need to worry about math because it's finally summer!" I squealed. He giggled at my actions. "I will see you in a week." He smiled. "Okay, bye." we hung up.

I flipped down on the couch and hugged my phone. I'm really confused on my feelings for Daniel. He's my best friend in the whole entire world but at the same time, I wanna kiss his face off! Do I have a problem?! I feel so comfortable around him though. Maybe I'll have it figured out by tomorrow.

I stayed awake all night thinking about my feelings for Danny. I finally confirmed them:
I like him. Actually, I love him. It's this powerful feeling when I'm with him and everything feels right. It's impossible to describe yet vibrant with description. All I know is, I am head over heels in love with Daniel. But, what about Ryan... If I say yes to his date, then Danny will find out and maybe not confirm his feelings for me. Seems like I'm in a sticky situation here... Typical.

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