4~ Weekends.

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I was sitting on the couch doing homework when I heard my mom answer the door. I could only hear faint mumbling but I could tell it was a man.

"Okay so ready to go?" My mother asked the man sweetly as they got closer and closer to the living room.

As they reached the present room, I realized my mother was dressed up in a red short dress. The man was about as tall as her and he was wearing a suit. My mothers hair was pinned back into a neat bun, the mans was just a sloppy mess. And then it hit me, my moms going on a date.

"So Fits, this is my daughter Zoey."
My mother ushered towards me and I just looked up at them. "Your name is Fits?" "Fits the third, yes." he said proudly and I just gave a slight nod. "So sweetie, were going out to eat to discuss business purposes." She kissed my head and they were out the door.

How dare she go on a date after 12 years of marriage?! When she gets home I'm giving her a piece of my mind.

It was a Friday night, I had no friends, no family around. I was bored out of my mind. I decided to call my father, I haven't spoken to him since a few months ago. I miss us being all together.

"Hey Dad." "Hi pumpkin." he said with a chuckle. Eww, he's so old. "Dad, I'm sixteen, I think I grew out of that name a long time ago." I gave a small laugh and he laughed along with me.

I miss his laugh, I miss his voice, I miss him. He was the only one who understands me. Now he lives all the way in England. He said he was coming to visit this summer and he wants me to meet someone. I hope it's not what I think it is... No, he would never do that, he's not a jerk like my mother. I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this....

I heard a noise and I woke up from my slumber. I ran down the stairs with a flashlight and saw two figures. "Thanks for dinner." my mother giggled and threw her purse on the couch. "My pleasure." he wrapped his arms around my mothers waist. She returned the favor by giving him a kiss on the lips. I lost the most important thing that day, my lunch...

"So how was your dinner? Sorry I couldn't be there, but at least I got to see dessert." I said to my mom as we drove to Shoprite. "You saw that?" She asked concerned. I slowly nodded. "So you were spying on me?" She turned to me and pulled over the car. "Never spy on me again. It was a business meeting and it got a little bit more than that, that's all." she pleaded before I assumed they were dating. "It didn't seem like just a business meeting..." I said. She slapped me right across the face. "Listen, it's my business." She yelled. I clutched my face as she drove off. I heard her mumble to herself, "The last thing I need is you crawling to your father..."

"And then she hit you?" Daniel asked. "Yep, right across the face." I answered. "Wow." "I gotta go, class is starting soon." I said. "Okay bye." we hung up the phone. I got up from my usual sitting bench outside the school. I turned to see Ryan Sanders, of course. "Well, well look who it is." he smiled. "What do you want?" I crossed my arms. I began to grow impatient and tried to walk away. He grabbed my arms. "Wait, I know I came off like kind f a jerk..." "Kind of?" I stressed. "Let me finish, but it would make me really happy if you took a chance on that date..." he trailed off. "And why should I go on that date?" "Because it would make me happy." "I'll think about it." I wrote down my number for him. I wanted to say no, but I felt bad for the kid. I will admit, the guy is persistent.

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