6~ Unwelcomed Guest

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"Yeah, oh my gosh! I see you!" I hung up the phone with Daniel and ran into his warm arms. It was so, perfect! He put me back on my feet and we stared each other in the eye for a few seconds. I finally said through my happy tears, "Im so happy you're here," and swaddled him in another hug. This summer I was FOR SURE going to tell him that I love him... maybe.
"I'm glad I'm here too." he smiled.

Danny and I exchanged laughs as my mom sat on one of the airport benches talking on the phone. She doesn't like any of my friends. I told him that I was going to run to the restroom for a second and he nodded and started talking to my mother. My mom doesn't really like any of my friends, but she always had a liking of Danny. That's also another reason why I want us to be together.

I was walking to the restroom when I ran into an unwelcome guest, Ryan Sanders. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "The real question is what are YOU doing here?!" He replied. I extended a hand to my forehead. "No this cannot be happening, not today. The love of my life cannot meet this doof, not ever." I mumbled to myself and unnoticeably started pacing. "What about the love of your life?!" He sounded concerned. "None of your business. Just stay away from me today, got it?" I looked him in the eye. He stepped closer to me so we were almost face to face. "Kiss me!" I shouted. I didn't mean to say it but the moment felt right. I didn't want to say it! What was I thinking?! He was taken aback by my words. "What about kissing?" I turned to see my mom and Danny. "Nothing, I said miss me.. like because we have to go and he's going to miss me. Yeah that sounds right. Let's go guys!" I grabbed their arms and walked away from Ryan. I felt Danny give me a concerned pinch on the arm and I returned the favor by patting him on the back, just my signal that everything is fine.

"Well I'm gonna stay in the hotel for this first week. I'll stop by tomorrow." Danny gave me a hug and waved goodbye as I got into my mothers car. "So who was that boy at the airport?" My mother asked with a stern tone. "You're gonna need to be more specific, there was many boys at the airport." "Zoey..." Her signal for me to stop playing. "Ryan Sanders, JUST a friend." emphasis on "just". My mother gave a slight nod. Good, she's going along with it... For now.

R: Hey!
Z: Don't you "hey" me. I'm mad at you.
R: Mad at me?! I should be mad at you! You just tell me to kiss you when I barely even know you?! What is that?
Z: If you barely know me then why did you ask me out?!
R: Because I wanted to get to know you! Who was that boy in the airport with you...
Z: Jealous much?
R: Who is he!!!!!
Z: He's just a friend whose coming for the summer.
R: Just a friend?
Z: Just a friend.
R: Promise?
Z: Promise.

Good, he bought it... For now.

I wanted to tell Danny how I feel. I wanted to tell him that I love him, and always have. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I couldn't because of Ryan. I know what it feels like to have my heart broken and I can't do that to him. Even though I don't like the kid, I did promise him.

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