9~ You really love him.

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"Yes Danny, I was going to tell you but-" "But nothing! All this time?" I could tell a phony act any day. "You knew didn't you!" I shouted and he hung his head and dropped the act. "Why? Why didn't you stop me before my feelings grew deeper?" I walked closer to him. "Because I didn't want you to get hurt." "Too late for that!" I ran away.

I understood that he was the one with a car and I understood that he was partially right. I also understood that I just got my heart broken. I ran home, about a 15 minute walk but when you run its 10.

All I kept asking was why. Why didn't he tell me, why did he not care about me, why did it have to happen this way? Now I lost the two most important people. Wait what? I meant the most important person... Oops.

"Mom I'm home." I flung my bag on the couch and ran to my room. I slammed my door closed and slid my back down it. I silently sobbed to myself even though it wouldn't do anything. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and it was my mother. I haven't spoken to her much since the other day when she said something about that guy Fitz.

"What?" I yelled through my tears. "Someone's at the door for you, watch the attitude." I heard her footsteps get softer, meaning she went in her room. I hoped it wasn't Danny.

"Hello?" I wiped my tears away and saw that it was Ryan Sanders. He was holding a bouquet of roses, like the ones he prior threw at me. "I came to say sorry. I should've understood that you were with someone else. And I, uh, got you these." he handed me the roses. "So you're not gonna throw them this time?"

A rhetorical question on my part, but quite witty for someone who just got their heart broken.

"Listen, I know you're mad." "No, I'm sorry too. And by the way, Danny and I aren't together.. and we never will be." I wiped away another tear. "Oh I'm sorry, I've never seen you cry before. Actually, I've never seen a girl cry before." he shuffled his position. I gestured him to sit down on the porch bench. "Wow for all the girls you dump, I thought you'd have an actual jar of tears." I held the roses in my lap. "I deserved that one... So what happened with you two?"

The question drew me to a blank. Nothing really happened besides him hearing me and getting mad and me getting mad at him too. Huh, so I guess a lot happened.

"Long story." "I've got time." he smiled and turned to me. I liked seeing that smile. I sighed and turned to him too. "Listen, I know you really love him." He grabbed my hand. "Loved." He smirked. "Well, that mean I'm still in the game?" He squeezed my hand. "Oh, you're in the game. You were just benched for a minute." He kissed me on the cheek and got up. "Text you later." and with that, he walked away. I muttered under my breath:

"Home run."

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