26 - Innocent Fugitive

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You will all be rewarded with fluff next chapter, pinky promise ;)


After your dreadful shower, you sat at the dining table with your feet up on the chair, pressing your knees into the edge of the table. You stared at the plate in front of you, toast, eggs, and fresh fruit. Your stomach growled loudly, but your brain was repulsed.

"One bite at a time dear, it's okay if you don't eat it all," Gracia sat across from you with a warm smile on her face. You chewed on the inside of your lip anxiously, nodding your head. You brought yourself to eat a few bites then tapped out, you thought you might throw up again if you kept going.

Everyone sat around the table with you, having already finished their meals. They watched you with hopeful eyes, it was the first time you'd actually attempted to eat without someone practically shoving food down your throat.

Alphonse broke the silence. "It hurts us to see you hurting yourself (Y/n)," he said to you looking into your dead eyes. He hesitated to say anything else in fear of making you cry again, but he wanted you to hear how he felt. "I can't eat but you can, and you have to-to stay healthy."

It was a gamble with you. They never knew what would set you off in this fragile state.

"Sorry," you responded in a soft, broken voice. And instant crocodile tears fell down your cheeks and landed on your lap.

"I mean- It's okay if you don't eat! But- well what I mean to say is-!" Al immediately felt bad and stumbled over his words. You shook your head and wiped your tears.

"You're right... I'm sorry Al," you said through your tears. You sat up straight and forced yourself to eat more. It wasn't much more, but it was satisfactory.

"You did well sweetie, I'm proud of you," Gracia said as she reached out and squeezed your hands.

You heard Elicia's soft footsteps from behind you, and you tried to wipe your tears as best as you could before facing her. She walked with tired eyes having just woken up, dragging her blanket on the ground and yawning. "Sissy," she held her hands up to you, wanting to sit on your lap. You reached down and picked her up, holding her on your lap and hugging her close. It wasn't long before she fell asleep on you, and you continued to rub her back.

She's so young and doesn't understand the concept of death very well. All you ever wanted was to shield her from the worlds harsh realities, but you couldn't shield her from this.

For days you were immobilized, but with the support of your friends and your mother you were well taken care of and given the opportunity to properly grieve.

Seven days after learning of his death, you started to function like a human being again. You were able to get up and shower without putting up a fight, and eat all your meals without throwing up afterwards. You were far from okay, but you were beginning to come to terms and plot your next point of action.

On the morning of the tenth day, you woke up extra early, having an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach. You came out of your room to find the boys weren't there. It was early, the sun still hadn't started to rise. "Where did they run off to?" You suspiciously asked yourself with a hum.

You slipped on your shoes to take a stroll outside and get some fresh air. When you opened the door you stepped on a stack of newspaper. You stepped back and kneeled down to pick it up, but your eyes were brought to a dreadful headliner.

"What..?" You breathed out in disbelief and opened it completely, your eyes scanning over the story.

Your body went numb, you felt a load of different emotions all at once. Without thinking, you shoved it in your large sweater pocket and took off, nearly stumbling down the stairs with how fast your feet carried you.

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