29 - Closer

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This chapter is shorter but cheesy as all hell, my way of apologizing for my hiatus

Enjoy (•̀-)


"No!" You awoke with a start, jolting into a sitting position and throwing the blanket off of you. A bead of sweat slid down your neck and you breathed heavily as if you'd just been running.

You had to sit for a moment, contemplating dream versus reality. When the realization that you were just dreaming sunk in, you laid back with a shaky sigh. You ran your fingers through your hair and slowly brought them down to your chest, feeling your heart race out of control.

"That was too real..." you whispered to yourself, tears coming to your eyes.

A vivid dream of a potential bad ending in your life. Countless faces flashed through your mind like a picture show. Your loved ones brutally murdered, all because of you. You aggressively slapped your cheeks to snap yourself out of it, but the sting only brought more tears to your eyes.

"Ow-" you whimpered and rubbed your sore cheeks. You slid your legs out of bed and quietly touched your feet to the floor, leaning down to grab the blanket and pillow you'd thrown in your wake. "I don't want to be alone..." you bit your lip and hugged the pillow tightly to your chest.

You stood up and tiptoed out of Winry's room. You walked down the hallway, a couple doors down to reach the room Edward was staying in. You knocked on the door a couple times before opening it slowly.

"Ed..?" You called to him quietly.

He sat up in his bed, half awake and reading yet another book about alchemy. At this point you were surprised he hasn't run out of alchemy books to read, the endless supply he'd been provided with was truly amazing.

"(Y/n)? What's up?" He sat up straight, looking over to you curiously. You closed the door behind you and looked to the floor with blushed cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"I can't sleep..." you spoke in a soft voice, shuffling towards him slowly. "Can I sleep in here, with you?" You tightly squeezed the pillow to your chest, anxious to hear his answer.

"Huh-?" He gulped, stunned by your question. His cheeks burned red when you stood before him.

"I'm scared..." for you to admit you were feeling that way was rare. You didn't show fear when you were nearly killed-on multiple occasions, and you didn't show fear when willingly going into situations with your life on the line. So seeing you now, so vulnerable and afraid, made his heart sink to the pit of his stomach.

He knew you came innocently. You had trouble sleeping recently, having awful nightmares and panic attacks throughout the nights. And without someone at your side, it made it harder for you to sleep.

He set his book down on the nightstand and slid over, patting the spot next to him. His wordless invitation made you feel a little more relaxed. He didn't make fun of you or turn you down like you could've expected.

You sat in the bed next to him on your knees, hiding the bottom half of your face with your pillow. "It's okay..?" You looked at him with big eyes.

"Yeah," he put his hand on your head and pushed you down on your side. "Now hush and go to sleep," he spoke harshly to cover his embarrassment, but you saw right through him. You smiled as you sunk into the bed, closing your eyes.

He sat up straight for a moment, curiously gazing down at you and rubbing the back of his neck. He pulled his blanket over you, making sure you had enough of it before he laid down too. He kept a respectful distance and faced away from you, incredibly nervous to be sharing a bed. He didn't know if he'd be able to sleep like this.

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