21 - Shady Traveler

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This story is getting more love than I anticipated and I am so excited! Thank you all for the love so far :)

As an apology for my writers block - this chapter is a bit longer. Sorry for the wait!

"Come on get up already," you stood by Edward's bed with your arms crossed over your chest. You stared down at him with a look of disapproval.

He laid curled up on his side, snoring and drooling. His hair was messy, having tossed and turned all night. His restlessness was concerning, and it woke you up multiple times throughout the night.

"Ed," you lifted your leg, nudging him with your foot.


"Did you two switch bodies?" Alphonse looked between you and his brother.

"What do you mean by that?" You frowned at him, putting your hands on your hips.

"Well, you're just not a morning person is all!" Alphonse nervously laughed. You rolled your eyes and grabbed Ed's ankle, pulling him out of the bed unapologetically.

He landed with a loud thud, instantly snapping him out of sleep and into a fiery rage. "Ow- what the hell was that for?!" Edward sat up straight, rubbing his head and groaning in pain.

"Oops," you sat next to him, criss-crossing your legs.

"Oops my ass," Ed said through grit teeth as he glared at you. But you wore an innocent smile that cooled his head quickly. He grabbed your face gently and pushed you back with a grumpy frown- more so grouchy with himself at this point for feeling so mushy on the inside.

"You okay brother? It's rare for you to out-sleep (Y/n)," Al said, earning him another look from you.

"Is it a crime to sleep in every once in a while?" Edward yawned and leaned his head back against the bed. He felt very sluggish, his body sore from the previous days battle. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and dreading the day ahead. His eyes shot open when he felt his shirt being lifted. Your cold hand brushed over his stomach and a hot blush instantly slapped him in the face. "What are you doing?" He quickly grabbed your wrist and glared at you.

You pulled away from his grip and gently peeled back his bloody bandage, examining his wound. "What do you think I'm doing?" You waved a fresh roll of bandages in front of his face. "We can't let it get infected," you poured a little bit of antibacterial solution onto a clean cloth and pat it against his wound.

He clenched his fists and groaned, shivering at your touch. "I can do it myself."

"Just stay still and be quiet," you carefully bandaged him up. "There," you dropped his shirt and cleaned up the supplies. He finally let himself breathe, being unable to do so when you were so close.

He was driving himself crazy, letting you take over his mind like this like a fast spreading- brain eating disease.

"Thanks," he grumbled with a grouchy expression, watching your every move. He let his eyes wonder, taking notice of the bruises and minor scrapes you'd earned in the fight against Greed, it was enough to make his blood boil. "Are you hurt at all?"

"No, not really," you closed up the first aid kit and crossed your arms as you looked at him. "Thanks to you," you smiled.

He felt a little relieved to hear you say that. "Good..." he stood up and grabbed your arm, helping you to your feet.

"We have to be at the station in an hour so get ready," you pat his shoulder softly before walking past him and out the door.

You made your way to the dining room, joining Izumi for a cup of coffee and making small talk regarding your past and upcoming adventures.

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