24 - Hughes

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Sorry. Y'all already know this is gonna be a bummer :(

So, I realized that I stopped putting warnings in each chapter (I honestly just totally forgot) but we all kind of expect the violence at this point, right? Anyway, I will do my best to remember warnings from now on.
For example:

Warnings: Ouch

You split with Ling at the train station. He was adamant on exploring Central even at this hour, and although you advised him against it he was gone in a flash.

With a sigh and a huge weight lifted off your shoulders, you headed home. Ling was a lot to deal with the entire train ride. You couldn't get a wink of sleep or even a split second of silence. It was like entertaining a toddler the entire train ride, and it was quite exhausting.

But even with the relief of the silence, your body was filled with anxiety upon remembering the reason you were here.

You stood before the door to your home, hesitant to open it. You gave yourself a pep talk, telling yourself you were just imagining things and hyping them up to be bad.

"I'm home," you called out as you opened the door, the only light on was in the kitchen. Gracia sat at the dining table with Elicia, waiting for your arrival.

"(Y/n)," Gracia stood and walked to you with a wet handkerchief in her hand. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"Miss Gracia? What's going on?" You dropped your bag to the floor and furrowed your brows in unease.

"I'm so sorry sweetie," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around you.

"You're scaring me," you nervously said.

"Honey there's no easy way for me to tell you this," she pulled back and grabbed your face, looking in your eyes as she tucked your hair behind your ears. "Maes is..." she hesitated, and your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. "He's gone," she started to cry all over again.

You couldn't process what she said. The nonsense that passed her lips and left you flabbergasted.

"What?" You spat in a quick response. You looked behind her, towards the mantle where a his picture was proudly hung and his uniform framed. "You're lying," you pulled away, cupping your hands over your mouth and backing up.

The look on her face; the pure devastation and exhaustion made you realize she wasn't lying, that she meant what she said. Your heart started to beat faster, and you lost control of your breathing. You sank to your knees as tears filled your eyes.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart..."

"It can't be true, it can't," you denied. "Please tell me it's a lie," you started to cry uncontrollably.

Elicia came up next to you, putting her little hands on your arm. You looked into her big eyes, and you could've died on the spot from heartbreak. "Sissy, please don't be sad," she said with tears in her eyes. You pulled her onto your lap, wrapping your arms tightly around her and stifling back your cries.

Gracia put her hand on your back and gently helped you stand, leading you over to the couch where you all huddled and cried for hours until Gracia and Elicia fell asleep.

You sat wide awake, confused and fighting the truth. You heard it over and over again in your head until it made you sick.

You looked at the clock, it was five in the morning and you couldn't wait any longer. You stood up slowly and laid Elicia down gently. "Sissy?" She stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes.

Unfiltered (Edward Elric x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora