11 - The Puzzling Truth

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"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay?"

Your recovery period was short because you insisted over and over that you were okay, that you no longer needed to lay around. Five days had gone by, and you received word that Sheska had finished writing up Dr. Marcoh's notes. You refused to be unproductive any longer, despite your injuries not being fully healed.

"I already told you I'm fine, now stop asking," for the millionth time, you reassured the Elrics and the body guards Ross and Brosh that you were just fine. You fell behind the group, a dark cloud hanging over your head. You did say you were fine, but you kept making nauseous faces and walking slowly.

Maybe I'm not okay... Nope, definitely not okay... You thought to yourself, pulling over to a tree and leaning against it.

Brosh was the first to notice you fell back and came to your aid. "Are you sure you want to come?"

"Yes," with your firm insistence he smiled and turned his back to you, kneeling down.

"Alright, but at least let me carry you. You shouldn't push it," his kind gesture made you feel shy. You hesitantly got on his back, hugging your arms around his neck.

"Just for a minute though..." you said quietly to him.

"Sure," he caught back up with the group.

Edward looked back to check on you but was surprised to see Brosh carrying you. He was even more shocked to see your cheeks were red. He clenched his jaw and sharply turned his nose back to the road ahead.

Once again you entered Sheska's sea of books, you didn't even know if you could consider it a home. Brosh set you down upon your request.

"Here you are, complete copies of all Tim Marcoh's notes! I know five days is a long time to wait but there was quite a lot to write down," Sheska presented a beautiful table full of his research. Stacks upon stacks.

"Unbelievable, there are some amazing people in this world," Alphonse praised.

"These are really Dr. Marcoh's research notes?" Edward took some piles off the top, giving it a quick glance.

"They sure are! Written by Tim Marcoh, '1000 easy recipes'"


"Oh great does this mean we came all this way for a cookbook?" Ross exclaimed with a hand on her head.

"Is it not what you're looking for? All I did was copy down what I remembered," Sheska felt as if she'd let you guys down.

"Sheska, are you absolutely sure this is a flawless reproduction of the notes?" Edward stared at it with furrowed brows.

"Oh yes I'm a hundred percent certain!" She gleamed.

"Then thank you very much, you're incredible!" Edward handed Ross his pocket watch and a piece of paper with numbers written on it, asking that she ensure Sheska gets paid.

You flipped through the notes. No doubt it was incredibly smart to mask such dangerous notes as something completely unrelated, but you could only imagine the headache this would be to unravel.

"Thank you so much Sheska," you expressed your gratitude, smiling big.

You tried your best to carry a large stack of notes. Alphonse, noticing your struggle, took the majority of the stack and piled it on top of his. He didn't give you the chance to complain, quickly walking ahead of you.

You sighed, mumbling to yourself about how you were perfectly capable. Edward came up next to you, taking the rest of the stack you carried minus one little piece of paper. "Hey!" You glared at him, but he also ignored you and walked ahead. You looked at the single piece of paper left in your hands. "Table of contents..." you grumbled and held the paper at your side.

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