17 - The Many Faces of Teacher

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"There's no way we'll make it!" You chased after the rolling train with the Elric brothers, quickly running out of breath. Edward grabbed your hand, forcing you to keep up.

"If we don't catch this train, there won't be another one for three days!" Ed shot a glare at you. "This is your fault you know!" He accused.

"Shut up!" You whined.

Alphonse leaped from the stations platform to the train and held his arms out to the two of you. "Hurry!" Edward grabbed a tight hold of you before jumping, landing on the back of the train with the help of his brother.

You pried yourself from Ed's arms, leaning over the railing and waving at Winry and Paninya, who kept running until they couldn't anymore. "You guys take care of yourselves!! I'll call you!"

Edward grabbed a hold of your coat so you wouldn't fall over the ledge. He always worried about you being so clumsy and careless.

"You better!" Winry shouted back to you with a big smile. "Come back and visit soon!!"

You sighed to yourself, wearing a gloomy expression as you realized you were stuck with two boys from now on. "What's that look for?" Edward caught your disgusted glare. You rolled your eyes, instantly pissing him off. "Hey what's your deal huh?" He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist and reeling his arm back in a threatening way.

"Just shut up," you grabbed his ear, dragging him along as you walked into the train car, looking for an empty seat.

"Ow-!" Edward hissed, following you quickly so you'd stop yanking on his ear. He plopped down on a seat next to you, letting Al have a space to himself. He rubbed his sore ear, pouting at you. "What the hell is your problem?"

You looked out the window, fighting back your emotions. "I'm stuck with you gross stinky boys again what do you think?" You snapped, missing Winry more and more with each passing second.

"Hey-" Edward scoffed. "I'm not gross or stinky!" He argued, to which you pinched your nose and stuck your tongue out at him.

But Alphonse was glimmering, being referred to as such made him feel human again. "Do I really smell?"

"Oh yeah, you're the smelliest," you grinned.

Edward watched your interaction with his brother. It made him happy that you could make him feel more human, something not everyone could do. The longer he watched you, the faster his heart started to beat. He started to think to himself, she's actually... really cute.

"What?" You caught him staring and glared at him. He snapped out of his daze and clicked his tongue.

"Nothing, just thinking about how annoying you are," he grumbled. So not cute, he immediately retracted his previous thoughts. But his younger brother stared at him deviously, watching and anticipating the romance building before his very eyes as if it were a movie.

You were looking out the window with excitement, watching the passing trees and imagining what the town would look like.

Edward slept leaning against you. Of course you'd tried to push him off, but he looked so peaceful you decided to let him be and scold him later.

"(Y/n), you've never been this far south right? Is there anything you want to do while we're here?" Alphonse asked.

"Not really," you shook your head, but then you remembered something Winry had told you. "Well, I did hear they have some cute shops in Dublith," you played with the hem of your shirt. "So maybe if we have time-"

Unfiltered (Edward Elric x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum