31 - Natural Conversations

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The situation wasn't ideal; standing before the grave you uncovered just to be buried again, holding the new information that devastated the elder Elric.

"I need to make a call," Edward said as he turned on his heel. The rain wasn't easing up, and the three of you were drenched head to toe. "Teacher needs to know."

You hadn't spoken personally to Miss Izumi about her attempt at human transmutation, but you knew it was a highly sensitive topic for her. You could tell that it hurt Edward to have to share this news with her.

"It might bring her peace," you said in a soft voice. "Knowing it wasn't her baby that suffered in the end."

Your perspective took a weight off his shoulders, but he still wasn't sure how she'd take it. She'd probably be angry that he even called in the first place.

"For now let's focus on getting cleaned up," you grabbed his trembling hand, and he closed his fingers around yours.


After the long grueling day, you and Ed were finally left to debrief on the living room couch.

Both of you had taken your much-needed hot showers, and Pinako demanded you to relax as she cooked dinner.

Edward finally seemed to be at peace, rereading one of his favorite alchemy theory books from ages ago. It was a terrible book, but he loved to pick at every incorrect and absurd detail. You listen to him ramble on, your eyes focused on him.

You slouched comfortably on the couch by his side, holding a pillow in your crossed lap. "Isn't there a section in there suggesting wizards?" Your question triggered Edward to go into a fit of laughter, and it was contagious.

"Yes, and it's ridiculous!"

He set the book down, stretching his aching limbs and rubbing a sore spot on his right shoulder. "Hey, (Y/N)? I know you haven't had the best relationship with Alchemy but, how does it feel now?" He awkwardly questioned. You'd blown up on him in the past regarding this question, so he braced himself.

"I guess it feels pretty natural," you weren't angry or uncomfortable at all. "But if I get in my head too much about it I feel sick," you shrugged your shoulders, playing with the ends of your hair. "It's saved my ass a couple of times, I can't hate it too much."

That response was satisfactory enough. You could feel him relax into the couch again, and he breathed a soft sigh of relief.

"I can't lie, you always impress me." He crossed his arms. "You're kinda good at everything though, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't go that far," your heart jumped at his praise, but your exterior remained calm and collected.

"I'm serious," he grinned. "You have a natural talent for kicking ass."

"Shut up," you giggled. "I've been doing it for a while, of course I'm good," you joked.

"When was the first time you picked up a gun?" A question spilled from his lips that he'd been wanting to ask for a while, but never saw a good opportunity.

"Hmm, Mustang handed me my first gun on my 11th birthday," you reminisced. "He told me to shoot the apple out of his hand, and I cried. Hawkeye smacked him and told me to come to her if I ever wanted to learn. So I asked her the next day."

"That Mustang, what an asshole," Edward smirked.

"He has a weird way of showing he cares. He wanted me to be able to defend myself," you looked at your gun that sat up on the coffee table. "I went shooting almost every day until I joined the military last year. And the first time I ever had to use it was the first time someone held a gun to my head."

Unfiltered (Edward Elric x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz