What's in here?

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Addison gripped her dad's hand. "Dad..." she whispered. "Dad! It's me! It's Addy! I'm here, I'm right here!" 

Addison's mind started to fade. Tears ran down her face and she was sobbing. Her breath was coming in short gasps. Clementine realized what was going on and started barking urgently. 

Addison closed her eyes. She began to shake. 


Philza stiffened when he heard barking. 

He knew that was Clementine's way of alerting that something was wrong, specifically with Addison. "Addy?" Phil called, running towards the barking. 

He first thought it was coming from Addison's room, not too far away. However, it was coming from the room down at the end of the hall. 

Wilbur's room. 

"Shit." Phil whispered. He dashed into Wilbur's room, slamming the door open. Addison had fallen out of her chair, next to Wilbur's bed. Clementine was next to her, trying to keep her body still and keep her from hitting her head. 

Phil bent down and held Addison the way he'd been taught. He waited for the little girl to stop shaking.

Finally, Addison's shaking slowed. She opened her eyes and immediately hid in Phil's hoodie. "Addy..." Phil whispered. "Shhhhh... it's okay..."

Addison was crying, really loudly too. "Shhhhhhhh..." Phil whispered. "It's okay. You're okay..."

Addison sniffled. Phil was able to take a glance at her face and saw her eyes were soft. She age regressed. Not an abnormal thing,  but she didn't normally regress right after a seizure. She was also most likely regressed to an age where she couldn't or would 't talk. 

Finally, Phil got Addison to calm down. Mostly because after a seizure Addison was often tired out. 

"Come on little one." Phil picked Addison up, motioning for Clementine to follow. He took Addison to her room and laid her on her bed. Addison whimpered and Phil sighed, sitting next to her. "Get some rest." Phil whispered.

Addison whimpered. "Daddy..." she mumbled. 

Tears sprang into Phil's eyes, and he blinked them away. "Shhhh." He whispered. "Get some rest, little one. I'll be here when you wake up."

Addison yawned, snuggling closer to Phil's side and resting her head on his chest. She closed her eyes, breathing quietly. Phil sighed, closing his eyes as well.


Phil woke up to Addison whimpering. 

"Addy?" He murmured. He rubbed his neck, half awake. He realized Addison was crying in her sleep.

"Addy, wake up." Phil said. He started to gently shake the little girl, trying to wake her up. "Addy! It's alright! It's just a dream!"

Addison woke up slowly. "Phiiiiiiiilllllllzzzzzzzzzzz?" She mumbled sleepily.

Phil sighed. She'd still age regressed. Hopefully older now, so she could at least talk.

"It's alright, little one. I'm here." Phil whispered.

"I don't wanna lose daddy!" Addison cried. "Pwease!"

"Shhhhh." Phil whispered, petting Addison's hair. "Here. Play with Carl."

Carl was a stuffed axolotl that little Addison loved more than anything other than Clementine. It was a purple squishmallow that was also a hug meez or something like that. Totally not inserting the axoltol I'm holding at four thirty in the morning named Carl into my story.

Addison squished Carl softly with one hand and pet  lemenrine (Clementine thought this was funny) with the other. "He wooked dead." She whimpered. 

"He's not. " Phil said firmly, a little too firmly. Addison winced and Phil sighed. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "But everything's going to be okay. Everything's... going to be fine."

"It's all going to be fine."


I woke up at three this morning.


If I had waited for ONE DAY I would have gotten the funny number.

Also, sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I have separate houses and I go to my dad's every other weekend. I completely forgot my laptop... and the charger... and my crochet stuff... basically everything except my phone and my meds (which I forgot twice lol...) so sorry about dropping off the face of the earth. I got a lot of art done lol.

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind

You are loved!


Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now