Chapter 126_130

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Dressed as an educated youth


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 126

    Jiang Qiuyue gave up the opportunity to become a full-time employee in the steel plant, and was temporarily working as a temporary worker. She was going to finish translating the manuscripts left by Professor Wang Wenshan, and then gave up her status as a temporary worker and went back to concentrate on preparing for the exam.

    In fact, the gossip about the resumption of the college entrance examination has already spread among people with good ears, otherwise Chen Zhonghua, Lin Wenqing and the others would suddenly follow her to study like a chicken blood.

    There was a bit of trouble on the top, and those who were watching closely below could quickly react. The news of the impending resumption of the college entrance examination had already been spread among the county leadership, and anyone with a bit of knowledge could find out sooner or later.

    Therefore, the favorable conditions offered by the steel plant to become regular employees and solve the household registration problem seem very attractive, but in fact they want to keep talents in the factory.

    First of all, only those with real materials can become regulars. Others have no chance to become regular employees. The leaders of the steel plant will not accept the light and occupy their positions and do not work.

    Secondly, for those talents left behind, the steel factory just pays some things first, and in the future, it is very likely to harvest a group of bright and bright college students, and the business is guaranteed to be profitable.

    As long as you become an official employee of the steel factory, your household registration will be there. Once the educated youth are admitted, it is equivalent to going to further studies in the name of the steel factory. Will the leaders let go easily?     Jiang Qiuyue is worried about this. In case they become regular employees, the steel factory will hold onto their employees' status, and will be stuck with all kinds of certificates in the exam. It would be bad for them to come back after graduation and continue to work hard for the factory. .     She wanted to go back to Kyoto for the exam and go back to the city smoothly. After she couldn't go to university, she would have to come back and live in this small place.     Chen Zhonghua and Lin Wenqing didn't even think about becoming regulars. They both continued to work as temporary workers. Their masters were originally engineers at the factory, and they were still on their heads.     Even if they want to rush to become regular employees, it depends on whether their master is willing to let them go.

    Fortunately, their eyes were not in a small county steel factory. They yearned to return to the big city, hoping to go to a wider world to display their ambitions.

    Now, there is a ready-made opportunity waiting for them to seize by their own strength.

    There are many like them who continue to work as temporary workers, and there are also more pragmatic educated youths who just want to seize the opportunities that can be seen in front of them and become regular workers after meeting the qualification standards, and become urbanites who eat commercial grain.

    What's more, there is no master at the top, and if you want to become a regular employee, you don't have the ability.

    Some were lucky enough to find a master to keep their position before losing their value, and some were fired from the steel factory after being useless and had to go back to the village to continue to participate in rural construction.

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