Chapter 116_120

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Dressed as an educated youth


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 116

    Jiang Qiuyue made a hot pot of egg noodles. She wanted to take it out directly to the village to find Peng Jingye, but he just came back before he went out.

    "Packed up? Is there anything else to do?" Peng Jingye asked after entering the door.

    He washed his face with the water in the washbasin, and his body was drenched in water, whether it was sweat or wet water.

    Jiang Qiuyue took the pot out and put it on the stone table, set the tableware and chopsticks, shook her head and said, "There's not much work, so all that's left is to dry the furniture and the kang in the house."

    "Come over to eat first, I made it. Egg noodle, I was thinking of sending it to you just now, just when you came back." Jiang Qiuyue waved to him.

    Peng Jingye wiped his face, turned around and took off his soaked military uniform jacket, revealing the military green vest inside, then took the bowl of noodles and ate it up after a few snorts.

    Jiang Qiuyue let him eat it by himself, went to close the gate of the courtyard, and only came back to eat his own portion, and left the rest of the pot to Peng Jingye to solve.

    In fact, their company went down the mountain to serve the people, and each soldier brought rations, but the dry pancakes are always not as delicious as hot meals, not to mention that the future daughter-in-law makes them.

    Peng Lian grew up eating and drinking without any pressure.

    After eating, Peng Jingye cleaned the small yard of the breeding office and cleaned up the mud brought in by the flood.

    Jiang Qiuyue tidied up the small vegetable garden by the way. The vegetables that had been submerged overnight did not seem to be a big deal. As soon as the sun came out, they were still happy, except that they were swept up and down by the water.

    In the afternoon, Peng Jingye continued to lead people to help the disaster relief, and Jiang Qiuyue followed him out to have a look.

    In this flood, it is gratifying that there were no fatalities in Linhe Village, but the food of many households was soaked in water and needed to be moved out to dry one by one. After the flood, poultry epidemic prevention should be taken seriously.

    Jiang Qiuyue met Wang Xiaohong in the village square. She and Lin Wenqing were treating the chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry raised by the villagers and dispensing medicines to prevent the outbreak of epidemics after the flood.

    Wang Xiaohong arrived at noon and was sent by her master to help the Qingshan Brigade prevent and control the epidemic. After she arrived, Liu Jianguo asked the villagers who still had poultry and livestock to gather in the village square to give the poultry a unified prevention and treatment medicine, so as to kill the danger in the cradle.

    Jiang Qiuyue couldn't do the work of moving the food, so she ran to help Wang Xiaohong, but Lin Wenqing dismissed her as a light bulb and drove her to the educated youth institute.

    Liu Aiying was unpacking and washing the bedding in the educated youth courtyard. There was a piece of plastic sheeting on the cleaned and muddy ground in the courtyard, with half and half bags of corn, sweet potatoes and other grains hanging on it.

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