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If there was a way to just kill you instantly, you'd give anything to have it right now.

Sitting nervously beside an agitated, crossarmed Baji and hoping he wouldn't kill anyone was not the easiest job. Hanma and Kisaki had just invited you and the former captain to a little snack and chat. And since Kisaki was there, you'd always have an angry Baji ready to murder him, even on sight.

"So, Y/n-chan." You look up to see the usual smug look on Hanma's face, responding with a hum. "How's your walk through Lover's Lane?," he asked, which still made you remain confused. You knew he was upto something, just what something.

"Lover's Lane?" You repeated.

"Yeah. You know, your love life and stuff like that." He elaborated.

"I'm thirteen."

Since he sat across from you, he flicked your forehead, getting slightly irritated by your dense reactions. Guess it ran through the Hanagaki bloodline to be oblivious somehow.

"I will flick you so hard next time, you'll end up in Kyoto," he smiled angrily. The three males just subtly and silently watched as you tried to think of an answer to his question. "I don't know, I'm not particularly interested in someone." You explained.

If you were more observant than usual, you would have seen Kisaki frown at your response. Although it would've kicked the conversation in the wrong way. Baji on the other hand didn't know what to feel. You could say he was relieved in a way, though for what reason. But what power has relief over the thought of you not exactly being truthful.

Nah, you wouldn't lie.


Hanma, looking dissatisfied, clicked his tongue. "What was that for?" You asked. "What was what for?" He replied with a question. "It's fine if you have a crush, you know. No judges." He said, still trying to pry an unknown secret from you. "Right, Baji-kun?" He turned to the former captain who in response, turned away.

"I really don't like anyone!" You exclaimed. "It's not like there is someone who... supports my passion and... encourages me to improve which makes me- NO! Wait, I don't have a crush! Stop trying to convince me otherwise!"

The older male just chuckled as he watched Baji look at you with a concerned expression and Kisaki having a hopeful one. Just maybe he had a chance this time.

"Ah, maybe next time then~" He cooed. "Well we have to go. Enjoy Christmas, you two." He smiled eagerly, pulling Kisaki along with him.

"Enjoy your night, Y/n." Kisaki greeted before following the older male out the cafe. Taking one last glance at your table by the window stall, he could see your devastated state with Baji trying to comfort you.

He was going to make sure that he finally made his shot the right way this time, just like what she would've wanted. He was going to prove to the universe that, for once, he can be the hero of the story.

~ ~ ~

"Fuck, it's cold!" Hanma exclaimed, changing the topic for the better. "Is Takemichi coming or not, Chifuyu?" The vice-captain sighed, "He said he had something small to take care of."

"Something on your mind, Kisaki?" Chifuyu quirked an eyebrow suspiciously. "N- no." He stuttered, clearing his throat as he turned back to his nonchalant look like usual, "Nothing." Chifuyu could be more suspicious about this.

Kisaki would never admit to the fact that he was thinking about what to get you for Christmas. Or how he wanted to just forget about the girl who used to fuel his desires of satisfaction because he finally found someone who helped him change his perspective in living.

A canvas and some oil paint would suffice, right? You did say, simplicity takes the prize. Or maybe even a trip to the Hakone Open Air-Museum. Heard it had a great showcase of different styled artworks there. Instead of the upcoming fight, his mind was clouded with thoughts of a certain artist. Painted his imagination with vivid colors that made his life less dull to look at.

"Come on, let's wait for him inside the cafe." Hanma suggested to the two blonds. "Suits me." Chifuyu shrugged; Kisaki followed suit without a reply.

~ ~ ~

"Do you like Kisaki?"

The silence that not even the cars passing by broke was interrupted when the older male walking behind you opened his mouth with an unfathomable question.

You were just on your way home with Baji, enjoying the walk with him. He always made you feel safe, but this cut that connection off suddenly.

You turned to him, seeing his mouth slightly agape and his breath letting out mists due to the cold clearly hitching. "Why would you think that?" You asked in a hush tone. Baji turned his head away from you, his eyes following the different people walking nearby and far away from the two of you. Deciding to talk better, you stepped forwad towards him, only for him to back away.

"Kisaki isn't a good guy, Y/n. You know that." He said sterly, his eyes still not meeting yours, a worried expression etched across his face. "He- He's gonna do something. I just know it." He finally turned to you, "And I don't want you to get involved!"

This again.

People being protective of you.

You maybe young, but you sure weren't stupid. And if anything, you were sure Kisaki isn't like that anymore. He was getting different. He was getting better. And yet no one's giving him a chance.

"Stop that." You warned.


"Stop. Just stop, please." You quivered, trying to keep your tears from spilling. You hated when this happened. Having to cry when you're upset when you were younger was a habit you vowed to change. And yet, it came back. "I don;t need you to tell me what to do, Baji."

The male pursed his lips before opening his mouth to speak again, "I just don't want you hurt." He couldn't imagine you being pulled into the mess he was a part of. Not when there was a part of him that always sensed you were important.



I don't want you getting hurt!

"Stop that..." You muttered, clenching your fist hardly, your fingernails starting to bruise your palm. Though that pain was not comparable to the pain of the migrain you had due to voices you had already long forgotten. "I- I'm not some kind of damsle in distress, you shouln't care about me!"

I'm trying to protect you!


I just want to help.

Despite wanting to say more, you couldn't. Something was holding you in chokehold and you just couldn't seem to swallow the lump in your throat.

"I'm going home."

And in the middle of a bridge, stood Baji with an expression of heaviness burdening his current state and Y/n walking away with the thought of being imprisoned by everyone she thought she could trust.

"I messes up."

A/N: Eyoo!!!! Welcome back to past where Kazu posts daily 🤭 See you tomorrow for another chapter :D!

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