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December 18, 2005

6:13 p.m.

"Seriously, Takemichi!" Baji yelled, hitting the blond on the nape with the side of his hand. "Just apologize before we go!" He scolded. "They're not even home yet!" Takemichi defended, his eyes tearing up in pain.

Baji clicked his tongue. "If anything happens to you in this, I swear to God I'll tell Y/n never to forgive you." He nagged, hopping aboard his bike and churning the key to start the engine.

~ ~ ~

Hanma was starting to doubt Kisaki's commitment in this "revenge" but if it meant his ship could sail into the sunset with doves flying above it he would do anything-

"They're here." Kisaki muttered. "Y/n?!" Hanma jolted up excitedly. "No iditot, the first division." Kisaki glared, looking at the older male with so much suspicion. "Oooh! Boo." He chuckled, sitting back down.

As the group discussed the first division's request, Hanma could just imagine a lovestory beginning. Two kids, a picket fence house, maybe 2 floors. Just a simple life. Y/n would be painting a lot while Kisaki handles some business in the city as they live in a suburban neighborhood.

A dog- NO! A turtle. They'll have a turtle for a pet. Maybe a snake too, he can have it named after him. Shuji the snake.

Shuji the snake will be taken away from the Kisaki family by no other than... Hanma himself. The snake will be his child. It'll be amazing.

Hanma giggled giddily as his imagination grew which honestly just weirded out the younger male beside him. "What do you think of a snake for a family pet?" He turned to Kisaki. "A snake? For a family pet? I hope you never get kids." Kisaki retorted. "I bet your kids are gonna love me though. Hehe, Uncle Shuji." Hanma replied happily.

"You're being weird."

"Weird is just another way of saying I'm a unique snowflake in the midst of different others."

Kisaki rolled his eyes as he looked back to the meeting. "I bet Y/n would like a snake as a family pet." Kisaki just looked at him in disbelief. "Then why don't you go marry them and have a family pet?" He retorted mockingly. "I would but you'd kill me before I get the chance." The older male joked.

"You really gotta shoot your shot, corncob." Hanma cooed silently. "That Naoto kid just might take the chance instead." He added, shrugging. "Or someone else, who knows."

"It could be Baji."


"Or Matsuno."

"I'm warning you."

"Or even that girl they suggested you date." Hanma gasped dramatically. "That's going to be a big plottwist indeed." He nodded with eyes closed. "How do I do it then?! How do I tell them I like them?" Kisaki asked, making the grin on Hanma's face widen.

"Glad you asked."

Kisaki stayed silent, starting to regret his decision.

~ ~ ~

It felt like it's been a lifetime since you stood in front of your mother in a department store. Apparently your aunt had invited everyone in the family for a party. Yey. How exciting.

Your mother's been checking on clothes' sizes as gifts for your cousins. "Do you think Akira would like the navy or black one?" She asked, comparing both shirts on you. "Ma, it's Christmas, not a funeral." You deadpanned.

"I know, but he's... in the phase." She whispered with a smile. "Remember when your uncle almost summoned a demon because of it?" She chuckled, throwing the black shirt to the basket.

You looked out the window, everyone walking around the streets of Shibuya. It was a week before Christmas so everyone wanted to get their shopping done. "By the way, hun." You mother called, "Have you seen your brother? I haven't talked to him all week." She asked worriedly.

"I'm scared he might be taking this gang thing a little too seriously." She frowned. If your mother had known any information beyond the gang, she would've already stopped your brother as quick as lightning. But you couldn't tell her that. She would be worried sick even more.

You shook your head. To be frank, you didn't really know where he was right now. Maybe he was in a gang meeting. Maybe he was with Hina. Maybe he was out there just hanging out with Chifuyu. Who knows. He'll probably be safe.

~ ~ ~

"Let me join in." Kisaki said firmly, shocking the first division captains. "Wanna work together with me?" He suggested, still holding a firm look. "I want to stop Hakkai too."

"Think I can't see through your bullshit!" Chifuyu yelled, "Why the fuck would we ever want to work with you?!" He continued. Kisaki was not phased though. And for the first time, his intentions concerning the gang were genuine.

"You got a better idea?" Kisaki asked. "As long as the truce between Mitsuya and the Black Dragons is active, the other admins won't lay a finger on them." He recalled. "That said, there's no way that the First division can handle this on their own. Mikey is weak right now, seeing as the black dragons are gaining power, I want to crush them, right here and now."

Just as Kisaki finished his statement, Chifuyu broke one of the glass of the eatery and took the biggest shard, pointing it at Kisaki, the sharpest corner centimeters away from the boy's throat. "It's Mikey-kun, not "Mikey"! Got that?!" He yelled, agitated by the choice of name. "Just because you're a captain, we're still the same age. So don't act like you're better than me."

Just as Takemichi interjected, Hanma put one of the dinner knives to his neck, threatening both Chifuyu and Takemichi himself. Kisaki knew he wouldn't move unless Chifuyu did. Yet he also knew Hanma was cautious enough not to do anything stupid.

"Break the taboo and I might just go a little crazy on you fucks." He smiled sinisterly. As agitated as Chifuyu was, he took the shard away from Kisaki.

Kisaki clicked his tongue, perhaps regretting his decision of being involved in whatever bullshit your brother was onto. But it was that or be held guilty of not keeping him safe. For some reason. He just felt that way.

Because at the ceasing of the darkness, comes the light

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