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"Nice!" Baji cheered as you chewed on the almond he had thrown to you. "My turn, my turn!" He exclaimed, jumping around like an enthusiastic child. You took one from the bowl, lightly tossing it to the older male.

The nut hit his nose as it fell and rolled to the ground causing you both to laugh. With your brother half asleep, the Mizo Crew playing cards and Chifuyu and Kazutora reviewing a manga they just bought, you decided to play around with Baji.

"Are you trying to catch it with your nose?" You asked, still laughing as Baji attempted to catch one again. He failed, making both of you holler big laughter. "You're not getting good at this." You commented, wiping away the tears forming in your eyes.

"I am too!" He defended, throwing another almond and opening his mouth only to hit the corner of his eye. "Yeah, no you're not." You sighed as he took another nut from the bowl. "Practice some more." You told him as you exited the room.

You watched from the stairs as your mother zoomed around the living room and kitchen for her supplies before she had to leave for work. "Ah, Y/n!" She called. "You can prepare dinner for yourselves, right?" She asked, zipping up her bag. You hummed as you handed her jacket. "Thanks, hun." She kissed your forehead.

"Take care. Take charge too, I don't think I can trust your brother with such a responsibility making sure the house doesn't burn down." She joked. "Yes, mama." You chuckled, grabbing her bag and opening the door as she adjusted her shoes. "Bye, hun." She smiled, taking her bag and calling a cab.

You walked back to the room with your pocky box, peaking as you see your brother already awake and Chifuyu explaining something about dragons. Who knows really.

"Hey." You interrupted, leaning by the door frame of the room. "Look, Y/n!" Baji called, taking a handful of almonds and tossing it. "The key is to make it many." He answered smugly, mouth full of the nuts. "I see." You agreed. "What do you guys want for dinner?" You asked.

"Peyoung!" Baji and Chifuyu yelled together as they raced towards you. "Takemichi, come with me will ya?" Chifuyu asked as he stood by the doorway while you and Baji made your way to the kitchen.

Baji and Kazutora decided to accompany you as you made dinner, chatting away with everything they could think of. Chifuyu had left with Takemichi to who knows where, but they'll be fine.

"Like I said, I was going to get that bike one way or another." Baji shrugged. "So you stole it?" Kazutora asked. "What?! No! I literally worked my ass for that bike!" The fanged male defended. "Your mother just let you?" You asked, adding the sauce to the dish. "I mean, I gave away my bike to Chifuyu, so yeah. Plus it's for me to be "responsible" apparently."

Baji could already smell the wonderful aroma of the noodles and he could just kill for it. "Why'd you give your bike to Chifuyu anyway?" Kazutora asked, munching on some pocky sticks from the box you had left on the table.

"His got mauled by some guys from Roppongi." Baji answered, slight anger lacing his voice as he cursed the ones who destroyed his friend's motorcycle. "Well he's got a bike, you've got a bike. And now, we have peyoung." You shrugged the notion off, placing the platter of noodles on the table. Just in time as Chifuyu and Takemichi had come back from wherever they went.

Chifuyu drooled at the sight of the dish. It had been a while since he'd eaten one of the Hanagaki's meals and he was all in for it every time.

As the rest of the group left after the meal, Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora had stayed a little longer. While the three were having a conversation, Takemichi decided to rip off the bandage and reveal to you his conversation with the younger blond.

"So... yeah?" He smiled nervously. You weren't even that surprised anymore. If Naoto knew, and you knew, you weren't surprised he would've told Chifuyu. It also wouldn't be much of a surprise if- "I'm also planning on destroying the black dragons." He added. "Well, should've known." You sighed tiredly.

If the chances of Kisaki being involved in this are high, it would be bad. But if he enjoys his date with Yuma, then the probability of him trying to be a bitch would be low. That's good. You could only hope he likes her. But who wouldn't?

"About Kisaki..." You brought up. "Yeah?" Takemichi hummed. "I've been thinking. Will you let me just handle his situation? On my own?" You requested.

"I'm still unsure about it, but Kisaki seems to be obsessed with you and my sister."

Takemichi remembered what the detective said. If Kisaki was obsessive with Hina, how could you have gotten involved with him? "Why?" He asked, stopping his way to the three on the living room. "I- I just want to lighten your job." You answered, hoping he would agree.

"I appreciate that, but it's fine."

Haha, idiot. The general laughed.

At least he's considerate! The woman reasoned.

"We're going to head out, Takemichi!" Baji announced with the two other males following suit. Takemichi agreed, as the three exited your home. "You have a lot on your plate, let me handle Kisaki, will you?" You pleaded. Takemichi looked at you confusedly. Why were you so persistent about Kisaki?

"It's really okay, Y/n. Maybe I'll be able to handle Kisaki and the black dragons!" He persisted. "Kisaki in the future killed Chifuyu. And he..." He stayed silent, thinking whether to reveal the future to you or not. "Look. If Kisaki got involved in the future with the black dragons, then the way to defeat him is to defeat them."

You on the other hand were slightly contradicting. Kisaki seemed to have been acting quite different since you met him. He was calmer, and sweeter, and- Yes. He's changed. "But-" "I don't want you getting into this mess anymore, alright? You're not a part of Toman, so I can't let you be in this mess." He said sternly, turning to head back to his room.

"That's it?" You asked silently as your brother turned to look at you from the staircase. "Just- Just cause I'm not in a gang?! Just cause I'm not in Toman?! I'm not allowed to help you anymore?!" You raised your voice, asking him agitatedly.

"My decision's final. No more getting involved, Y/n. I'm serious." He said. Remaining as firm as he could. "You're being unreasonable! I've been helping you for months and when I've finally made progress, you're making me... Retreat?!" You argued.

Takemichi stayed silent. He looked at you straight in the eyes, slightly glaring as you showed him an upsetting look. Why were you still lingering to handle Kisaki. Were you willing to help him.

Or was it that you were patient enough to study him, learning more about the tanned blond. He couldn't have gotten into your head that easily unless... No, that was impossible. It just didn't add up to how you treat the guy.

But why was Takemichi keeping you from him? Did he kill you again, scaring your brother to the probability of you being near your consistent murderer? Or was he hiding something from you that you still didn't know?

"I'm older, Y/n. So you'll listen to me! Just- listen to me..." He pleaded. Turning away from your stiff body.

Damn. You just gonna let them stop you like that? I wouldn't back down if I were you. A voice popped up. It was the same voice who was loud and cocky. You didn't particularly like this voice, but he was right.

Stop that! The woman scolded, resulting in the younger male snickering.

If your brother was to stop you from helping him, then you will. But that doesn't mean it'll stop you from changing the future yourself.

After all, odd fortune favors the bold.

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