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October 20, 2005
6:39 p.m.
Hanagaki Residence

"Hey, Y/n-chin!" You opened the door to Mikey and Draken. "Is Takemichi here?" He asked enthusiastically. "Takemichi!" You called. The room seemed to shake as your brother hurriedly got down.

"Mikey-kun!" He poked his head through the side of the door seeing who was there. "Do you wanna come with us, Y/n-chin?" Mikey asked, you only shook your head. He frowned but accepted your decision.

"Come on, Takemichi, Let's go!" He pulled him towards his motorcycle. "Gotta go, Bye Y/n." Draken waved as he got on his as well.

"I wonder if Michi will ever come back from the future." You muttered, closing the door once again.

"He's really slow." You deadpanned.

You got another knock from the door. "Movie night!" Fumiko yelled, holding up some dvd's as Naoto and Hotaru held some bags of snacks. You let them in, set up the movie as you prepared some popcorn.

"By the way, Y/n." Hotaru called, making you hum in response. "Fumiko was assigned for tutoring." He snickered. "You think it's fun? I have to teach other students I don't know because of my stupid cousins!" She complained.

"StudentS? Like plural?" Naoto asks. "Probably." Fumiko shrugged. "Knowing them, yeah, probably."

"Ugh, why do they have to be so, so... UGH! For Pete's sake he really needs to study!" She continued ranting. "I could help you if you want Fumiko?" You offered, taking out the popcorn.

"Ahhh, Y/n my Savior, my angel, my liege." Fumiko praised making you laugh. "But their a handful really, it's confusing how One's older but he's stupid. Wannabe cool kid" Fumiko groaned.

"Then the other just couldn't care less about anything at all. The family thinks he's a Jellyfish or Satan. Either way he has no heart." Fumiko explained further. "Who's your cousin?" Naoto asked, taking one bowl of popcorn from the kitchen counter.

"Ahane Keiko Choji. Always in gangs and stupid stuff." She mocked. "AHHH, you know what? I'm not gonna talk about him, today is movie night, not tutor time!" She said with a determined look, her hands placed on both her hips.

The movie finally finished with Fumiko in tears. Maybe watching Bambi wasn't a very good choice. Your brother came in not long after the three left. As usual, beaten up.

"Alright, let's go." You urged to patch him up. "So what's happened this time?" You asked him, taking out some cotton and antiseptic. "I may have...have..." He tried explaining only to burst into tears. "Sheesh, calm down it can't be that bad."

"No, no it's not that!" He said, aggressively wiping away his tears. "I... I'm back!" He said, gripping on the pillow he was holding. "Yeah, I know- Wait, like, from the future?" You asked, finally putting away the aid kit.

"Yes... I- I didn't change anything Y/n! I couldn't change anything." He cried even more. "Oh, so I'm still dead? Wait, what about Draken? Or Hina and Atsushi?" You asked. "I saved them... But then, it was the same. Eventually they just died, Draken's in jail and... and you..." He trailed off, looking down not meeting your daze.

"I couldn't protect you Y/n, I'm sorry." He said.

'So I just died again' You thought.

Hah! Weak! The monotone voice teased.

'Shut up. You're probably dead too.'

I am. He replied sadly.

"You were a detective in the future and you were up against an unknown Toman executive but you got killed in the operation." He explained. "Wait, I'm a detective?" You thought, making him irk. "Yes- but that's not the point!" He yelled.

"Didn't you say Naoto was one too?" You asked. "Yeah, you two actually work together." He explained, walking to the dinner table. "Naoto did say he wants to be one."

"By the way, I met Kisaki." He mentions, you turn your attention to him as you wash dishes. "Like in the future?" You ask, "No, no, like here! A while ago." Takemichi explains "Oh, how?" You asked once agagin, he stayed silent for a moment before contemplating an answer. "He's... the new third division captain of Toman?" He answered.


Wasn't that the opposite of what you wanted?

"BUT HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO MEET MIKEY!" You yelled, splashing water towards him. "I KNOW!" He yelled back, wiping his face. "I know..." He repeated silently. "Did you have dinner yet?" You changed the topic. "Yes, I think... I woke up in a bath house so yeah pretty sure I already did with Mikey-kun and Draken-kun." He answered.

"Anyways, speaking of Division captain, have you met Baji?" He asked as you finally dried the last plate. "Yeah, we actually hung out a few times while you were gone." You answered. "Yeah well, he's the first division captain-"

"I know."

"Don't interrupt me."

"He's the first division captain but he left to be on the enemy's side," He continued, glaring at you before softening. "He- WHAT?" You asked, making him flinch. "Yeah, and now... now... Mikey-kun told me that I had to get him back before the... fight..."

"But on the plus side, if I get Baji-san back, Mikey-kun is kicking Kisaki out. Also, I'm a part of Toman now!" He explains. "That's not really good news... It's dangerous" You pondered the last part.

"It kinda helps though."

"Okay so, Kisaki's in, Baji's out, you're in. But when Baji's in, Kisaki's out. Pretty much sums it, right?" You asked, making him nod. "So, it's kinda like chess?" You thought out loud.

I like chess. A voice said with delight in her tone.

It's a great way to metaphorically form a battle plan too, you know. The monotone voice added.

'That's great.' You interrupted.

"How?" Takemichi looked at you confusedly. "Well, let's say you're the player and Kisaki's a pawn from the white side while Baji is currently on the black, so you sacrifice Kisaki to capture Baji. Chess! Kinda, I don't know, I'm bad at explaining shit."

"I mean, that's kinda it." He said, standing up and heading to his room. "Alright, I gotta find a way to get him back!" He said with determination. "Oh, I kinda forgot to mention. If I don't get him back, Mikey-kun's going to kill me."

"He's going to what?!"

"Night, N/n."

"Takemichi-" You heard the door slam as you tried to call for him.

He's dead.

So dead, condolences to your family, kid.

Will you two stop that?!

'No, no, they're right.' You agreed. 'He's going to crush him.'

He's going to crush him alright. Crush him like a bug beneath his heel.

While worrying about your brother's current situation, you received a text message.

Naoto *^*
I figured it out!

Y/n :)
Figured what out?

Naoto *^*
The voices.
The ones you've been hearing.

What the hell?!

He couldn't have, right?

Maybe it's false information.

The voices started to panic, giving you a headache.

Y/n :)
That's... great!

It was not indeed all that great.

my heart belongs to you | k. tettaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя