He wiped his tears and stormed inside the home and called the manager and maids. Hearing his voice Kamini and Liya too came to the living and they were happy to see him giving orders like he did before but their happiness did not last and it turned to a shocked surprise.

Raj: Manager get the room next to mine cleaned and ready before morning. Get the best crib and place it in the room. All the sheets and curtains should be changed and before doing it call Sita or Akhil to know Jhanvi's favourite color and everything should be to her liking.

Man: Sure sir, I will do immediately.

Raj: Inform the chef to prepare all the favourite foods of Akhil and Jhanvi. Get all the brand baby formula stocked. Call our designer and inform him to get the most soft and best baby dresses stitched and it should reach before Jhanvi and Akhil arrive here. And also inform him to design the best sarees of his ever works for Jhanvi. Get the most expensive brand suits for Akhil and everything should be ready in the closet. Spend as much as money but I want everything in place.

Man: Noted sir....

Raj: Every place should be dust free. I don't want to repeat anything

He started coughing and Kamini rushed to him and patted his chest but he removed her hands from touching him. Liya was confused on his sudden change. Though Jhanvi saved him, his actions were beyond showing gratitude for her. 

Raj: Manager, get one room filled with all kinds of toys.Now call as many men you want and get the works done. If anybody is not comfortable staying amidst the noise and works they may stay outside.

Rajendran returned to his room and sat on the rocking chair as he felt his chest aching as he raised his voice giving orders to his manager. Kamini's father who heard everything realised Rajendran knew the truth and wheeled to his room. Rajendran moved to the window not looking at his father in law.

Grnd pa: Raj, can we talk ?

Raj: About what ? Would you care to tell what happened to Lalitha. I m all ears..

G.P: I m sorry Rajendran. I will not say that I did everything in an impulse but I did out of the love I had for Kamini and the love she had for you. At the time I felt what I did was right. Even Lalitha did want only the best for you and accepted my offer whole heartedly. I wanted to tell you everything but when I saw Kamini's happy face when she announced her pregnancy nothing felt wrong. I took care of Lalitha very well and may be I would have changed my mind if not she fell from the stairs and left this world leaving Jhanvi to us. I promised her to give every rights to her daughter.

Raj: Yes, I have seen the life my daughter lived here and me being the unlucky man treated her like no father would treat his daughter. Everything because of you and for your daughter. Now you are revealing everything because you want peace in your death but remember you will never die in peace. Let me tell you something to spice up. I never stopped loving my Lalitha. She will forever be in my heart...she is my first love and will always be my love...

G.P: I m sorry Rajendran. As promised to Lalitha I have made Jhanvi the legal heir, the first daughter of you. Papers are with Akhil.

Rajendran laughed hearing it gulped the water to stop his coughs.

Raj: Though you gave me the oppurtunity in business, you cannot deny the fact that it was my hard work that made your business into an empire. Apart from the business you had, today this groups has huge business across country and I don't think I owe you anymore. And coming to giving the rights do you think Jhanvi will accept it ? Never, she is mine and Lalitha's blood. She will choose love and pride above anything and will sacrifice anything for her loved ones.

G.P: I will plead with Jhanvi to forgive me.

Raj: It would be better if you stay away from my daughter. It would be the least you can do for us or I will never think twice to walk out and sure she will give me shelter even if she doesn't accept me as her father. I don't want business or money anymore. I will hppily live at her feet waiting all my life for her to forgive me. Better stay away from us or I will just ruin your every business including what I built over years.

Rajendran turned and left the room but he saw Kamini standing by the wall and shedding tears of guilt.

Raj: You knew everything from the begining and considered your happiness above everything. You are one selfish woman I have ever seen. Don't claim that you loved me because you never did. You were only obsessed with me. Love was the one which Lalitha had for me which made her give up her life just for my well being and for me to achieve my dreams. Remember now you will only be the mother of my daughter and nothing else.

He stormed away leaving her a crying mess and her father felt his chest tightened looking at his daughter's lost love and broken state. Before he could reach for her a pair of hands embraced Kamini. She raised her head and saw Liya's red eyes because of crying and she wiped Kamini's tears.

Liy: How could you and grand pa do this mom ? I was thinking of coming out of the guilt of putting her life in hell for so many years but now you made me realize that indeed I snatched her life, the life I m living is supposed to be hers. What rights do I have to live this life ? How will I even come out of this. You people have made my life a complete hell and mess just in the name of pampering me. 

Rajendran was on call with his PA in the garden whom he had instructed to watch for Akhil and Jhanvi to make sure of their happiness. When he heard Naren blackmailing Akhil he informed his PA to investigte everything that was happening between Naren and Akhil and also to keep tracking Jhanvi. Before he could listen from him he heard Liya screaming and everyone rushed to her including Rajendran. 

Grandpa had collapsed in his room while reading on to something. Hearing her voice everyone rushed and immediately he was taken to the hospital. Liya returned to his room to collect his files and her eyes landed on the dairy she found in his hands when she saw him collapsed. She took the dairy along with the files and left to the hospital.

Back to present:   In next chapter.........



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