Chapter - 74

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Recap: Ram finds Jhanvi and Chaitra birthday fall on the same and make plan to surprise them. Liya inform her parents about her feelings for Naren and invite him for dinner.


Akhil and Jhanvi sleeping under the sheets naked and hugging each other, his face buried in her bare chest and her chin was resting on his head. Akhil woke up first and saw her sleeping and her lips parted slightly. He rubbed his beard on her breast and she frowned being disturbed in her sleep. He raised his head and pecked her lips. Jhanvi pulled the duvet abover her head. Akhil smiled and hovered on her under the sheets. Jhanvi gasped on opened her eyes, trying to stop him. Before her words could stop him,her body reacted way too quickly when he groped on her bosoms and latched his lips on her peaks. She moaned and arched her body pushing more of herself into his mouth. His hard member touched her wet south and she felt blood rush to her core. 

He made her scream his name filling the room with their moans and groans. After their morning session they got bathed and came out of the washroom in their bath robes. Jhanvi got ready in her usual salwar and called Chaitra to know how she was doing.

Akhil gave orders to maids to prepare food for them as Jhanvi was tired already and above she was on call with Chaitra. Jhanvi spoke to doctors to know about her health and got to know that there was a ultrasound to check on the well being of the baby. 

Jha: Akhil, I need to go to hospital. Chaitra has an ultrasound of the baby and I want to check if the baby is fine. Chaitra will be worried being alone. I want to be with her.

Akh: No problem, rest at home after visiting her. I will finish a few meetings and return home soon or may be I will pick you from hospital.

They both had food and left on their ways to office and hospital. Jhanvi reached Chaitra's ward and saw the nurse preparing her to take her to the gynaec. Chaitra caught hold of Jhanvi's hand as she was taken to the doctor.

Jhanvi and nurse helped Chaitra and the doctor started her job. She put the cold gel on her baby bump and traced the transducer. Since Akhil was one of the share holders in the hospital, Jhanvi requested the doctor to let Chaitra know the gender of the baby considering her deteriorating health.

Doctor turned the monitor towards Chaitra and Jhanvi and they saw the little bundle moving the little hand and legs. Both Chaitra and Jhanvi felt emotional looking at the baby and they held each other hands in happiness.

Doc: Congrats dear, its a girl, she is fit and fine. We can wait a week more and consult your doctor and plan for the delivery. We need not wait until you get into labor.

Chaitra: Thank you doctor, I always worried if I could see my baby after birth but today I got to see her a little atleast. Thank you so much.

After the scan Chaitra was taken back to her ward and Kamala, Isha and Vishal joined them. Jhanvi fed healthy food for Chaitra and read some books and even sang her favourite songs for her until Akhil returned to take her home. 

All the way Jhanvi was explaining how she felt on seeing the baby girl on the monitor. Akhil saw the excitement in her eyes and thought how happy she would be to bear their baby. He pulled her close and hugged her to his chest.

At Rajendran's home, Liya was in the garden checking the arangements for the dinner. She did want a special one so instead of the dinning inside the home she chose the garden and decorated the place with lights and flowers. Special menu which had all Naren's favourite was prepared. Her friends reached early and helped her in the arrangements. 

Rajendran and Kamini were happy to see their daughter's change. Liya got changed into a skyblue gown which had crystals all over and plaited her hair in fish tail style. She wore simple jewelry according to his wish and saw her self in the mirror. Her friends teased her and when she heard the maid calling that Naren has arrived she ran of the stairs and saw him in the living.

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