Chapter - 6

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Story suggestions:  

Serendipity - A journey of a struggling cricketer Jerome and an IT professional Pearl by our own Anshenumbuttery @butterflyness11. Wish you good luck da buttery. 

Piece of my Peace - A love journey between Arjun a CEO and Sana a MBA student by @_the_spark_02.  wish you good luck ma.

Dear Readers please give your love and support for the lovely girls and encourage them. 

Recap: Akhil in hospital and everyone waits for him to get conscious.


Prayers always has the power that make the unbelievable to happen. When everything seems to slip away, all needed is a positive vibe. Jhaanvi was such a positive vibe. She was standing infront of the diety in the hospital premises. Her eyes were closed and she prayed from her heart for Akhil to get his conscious soon

Jhan: god, please get him well soon. I can't see him like this. It pains a lot to see him in such state. please...

She took some holy ashes and returned to the floor where Akhil was admitted.

Since Rajendran and Chakravarthy were reputed businessman Akhil was admitted in a VIP ward and the family was given a room to rest. Jhaanvi entered the room and saw Kabir and Sanjay sitting on the couch.

Kabir: Jhaanvi, Everybody are in the adjacent room. Kamini madam is also there.

Jhaanvi: Can you please keep this holy ash on his forehead. I went to the temple in the hospital premises.

Kabir: You prayed for him so you should only do that. 

Sanjay: Yes yes, you apply it on his forehead. no problem anyhow he is unconscious.

Jhaanvi's hands trembled slightly and took slow steps towards Akhil. She took a pinch of the holy ash and kept on his forehead. A tear drop fell on his cheeks. She quickly left the room and leaned on the wall outside.

Jhaanvi Mv: Why are you crying Jhaanvi ? Why do I feel so bad to see him like that. He is no one to me and has only hurt me with words. I should leave this place.

Kabir rushed to the room and informed that Akhil had gained his conscious. Jhaanvi closed her eyes in a huge relief on hearing it.

Jhaanvi was standing in the corner while everyone was standing beside him as the doctor was studying the report in his hand.

Doc: I m sorry, his spinal nerves has injured and his lower part of the body below abdomen has received severe shock.

Shee: What happens due to that ?

Doc: He is paralyzed below his abdomen. 

All were shocked to hear it and Sheela was crying holding Chakravarthy. 

Chak: Please do something, get the best doctors to treat him. Next week he is getting married.

Doc: I will inform the neuro surgeons to check Akhil. We will hope he gets well. I m so sorry.

Once the doctors left Sheela hugged Akhil and cried vigorously. Akhil laid with no reaction. Liya stood still processing everything that had happened while Jhaanvi was devasted to hear his state.

Since Sheela was crying non stop Kabir and Sanjay took her outside. Chakravarthy and Rajendran went to meet the doctor to discuss further on his treatments. Kamini, Jhaanvi and Liya were left in the ward with Akhil.

Akhil: Liya, I need to use rest room. Can you call someone please or take me to the restroom ?

Kam: There should be bed pan in the washroom. 

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