Ch. 12

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Izuku was waiting in the classroom. He was a bit early as he was having nightmare. It was the anniversary of his mother's death, so he always had a hard time sleeping at this time.

At the moment, he had coffee, with milk of course, and was sipping it. He had only slept around 8 hours over the past three days.

Bakugo came in, as he got to class a bit earlier before anyone else. He noticed Izuku and came over.

"You okay Izu?"

Izuku looked up. The bags under his eyes were extreme. "Oh. Hey Kacchan."

Bakugo's eyes were filled with worry. "Is it nightmares?"

Izuku nodded, and took a sip of coffee. "Sorry about making you worry."

Bakugo glanced around, saw no one was around, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about. Love you."

Izuku smiled. "I love you too Kacchan."

Bakugo want to his seat, kicked his feet up on the desk, and closed his eyes.

Soon, more people waked in. Uraraka noticed Izuku and rushed over. "Midoriya-kun! What happened?"

Izuku gave her a soft smile. "I'm okay. I just didn't get a lot of sleep."

Uraraka was still clearly worried, but she let it go. "Okay."

As more people came in, they saw Izuku and asked if he was okay. Izuku did his best to calm them down.

When everyone was in, Aizawa walked in and all their head snapped to him.

Aizawa nodded. "Good. Now, you will be picking a class president. Do it how ever you want."

Iida clapped his hands. "Let's do a vote!"

Izuku pulled out sticky notes. "I have sticky notes. Who about you write the name of the person you want to be class president. If we end in a tie, we can do another round."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Izuku stood up and placed a sticky note on everyone's desk.

Izuku then managed to summon a large chunk of quartz in the shape of a bowl.

When the vote was finished, the results were as such.

Izuku Midoriya: 11

Tenya Iida: 3

Momo Yaoyorozu: 2

Izuku blinked when he saw the results. "What? Why me?"

Kirishima grinned. "One, you helped a classmate. Two, you saved three during the training exercise. And three, you're a good guy!"

Izuku blushed. "Um. Okay. I'll do my best!"

Kaminari grinned. "That's the spirit!"

Izuku smiled. Bakugo had to keep himself from blushing.


As they sat at a lunch table, Izuku was talking with Uraraka. He decided not to have lunch, as he simply wasn't hungry. This was a concern to both Uraraka and Lunch Rush.

Uraraka popped the question that had been bothering her. "Hey Midoriya-kun, why didn't you sleep well last night?"

Izuku flinched. Bakugo, who was sitting next to him, squeezed his hand under the table.

He took a deep breath. "It's the anniversary of my mother's death."

Iida paused, a piece of food half way to his mouth. He knew that deaths of the family could be a sensitive topic.

Uraraka put her hand to her mouth. "Oh! I'm so sorry!"

Izuku smiled. "It's okay. I just get nightmares of her death. It's how I got my quirk."

Asui, who was sitting with them, looked up from her food. "What is your quirk? *ribbit* It seems that you have a lot of different abilities."

Izuku smiled. "My quirk is called Child of Hades. I can summon skeletons, control shadows, and travel through them, summon gems, and put up black walls when I'm in an enclosed space."

Asui nodded. "That's great for hero work. *ribbit*"

Izuku smiled. Before he could say anything, alarms started blaring.

Many of the students started rushing out to see what it was about.

Izuku grabbed them with his shadows. "Hold on! We need to figure out what this is!"

"Check this out." Izuku looked out the window that Sero was pointing at.

Izuku sighed. "It's the press." Then something caught his eye. 'Or not?'

At the edge of the wall, there were two men. One of the was wearing all black, with stringy light blue hair and a hand over his face like a mask. The person next to him was wearing a bartender outfit. He seemed to be made of purple mist with yellow eyes and a metal collar.

The man made of purple mist created a portal out of the mist. The two men stepped through it and vanished.

'A portal quirk?' Izuku thought. 'Odd.'

Izuku took a deep breath. "First thing first, we need to calm the students."

Asui smiled. "So what will it be class rep? *ribbit*"

Izuku looked at Uraraka and Iida. "Uraraka-san. I need you to use your quirk to lift Iida to above the entrance to the cafeteria. Iida, you have a loud voice. Tell the students it's only the press."

The two nodded.

After Iida managed to calm the students, Sero pulled him down with some tape. Izuku slipped into the meny shadows to get to the wall.

He knelt down next to the rubble. It was completely disintegrated, turned to a gray dust.

Nezu came up. "As! Izuku-kun! Excellent. What do you make of this?"

Izuku stood up. "Complete disintegration. A quirk that turns things to dust. It's possible in theory, but I've never seem one like it. I doubt that it belongs to a new reporter."

Nezu studied the dust. "You think that a villain let them in?"

Izuku nodded. "I saw two men outside the wall watching. One had what seemed to be a portal quirk, and the other had a hand over his face."

Nezu looked troubled. "First, we need to put up a new wall. Can you make a temporary one?

"I can try. I'm not so good at making the black stone wall in the open." Izuku turned to the wall.

He clapped his hands. A wall of smooth black stone rumbled for the ground. It rose to the height of the other walls before it stopped.

Nezu smiled. "Well done. That will do until for now."

Izuku smiled, pleased with himself. A small piece of topaz rose from the ground in between his feet.

Nezu scouped it up. "I can use this to pay for it."

Izuku laughed. "I better head back to class. Later Nezu-oto-chan!"

Izuku race to a tree and melted into its shadow.

He reappeared in the corner of the room seconds before the other students got there. He had just sat in his seat when everyone else walked into the room.

They could tell that something was bothering Izuku, but they didn't know how to help him.

Shinso wanted to use his quirk to find out. But at the same time, he didn't want the others to see him as a monster. He had been training to strengthen his body when he got his acceptance letter, but he doubted that he could do much more.

Soon, Present Mic walked in to begain their English lesson, and his mind went to keeping up with the lesson.

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